Page 7 - WJOLS - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 7

Vinaya K Ambore et al
          So we conducted a comparative prospective study of     Patients were kept nil by mouth after 10 pm the previ-
          laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh fixation using  ous day of surgery. Patients were shaved and prepared,
          tacker and glue.                                    and informed, valid, written consent for surgery taken.
             This study is aimed at comparing 60 patients of ventral  All patients received preoperative dose of antibiotic.
          hernias, selected randomly from patients admitted to the  Patients were operated by experienced laparoscopic sur-
          Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals, Mumbai,  geons of the hospital with experience of >50 laparoscopic
          India, between the period June 2015 and June 2016.  ventral hernia repair (LVHR) procedures done previously.
                                                              All incisions were infiltrated with local anesthetic at the
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               end of the procedure.
          Research Site                                          Duration of surgery was measured from the time of
                                                              incision to the time of closure. Patients were started on
          Grant Government Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee   liquid diet on the evening of surgery and full diet on the
          Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals, Byculla, Mumbai, India.
                                                              next morning of surgery. All patients were encouraged to
                                                              mobilize as early as possible. Inj. Diclofenac sodium 50 mg
          Sample Size
                                                              intramuscular was given as analgesic postoperatively on
          A total of 60 cases; 30 cases assigned randomly to two  demand by the patient as guided by the VAS in which
          groups, either tacker or glue fixation.             the pain experienced by the patient was graded by the
                                                              patient on a scale of 1 to 10 and recorded every 6 hourly
          Inclusion Criteria                                  for the first 24 hours postoperatively. Analgesics were

          Patients diagnosed with ventral hernias clinically,   given if VAS score was >5 (Fig. 1).
          patients who gave consent to undergo the procedure and   Postoperative hospital stay was measured from the
          be a part of the study, patients between 18 and 70 years  date of surgery to the date of discharge. Patients were
          of age, patients with ventral hernias and defect size <6  asked to follow-up on day 7, at 1 month, and 3 months
          cm without any complications were included.         postoperatively. Suture removal was on postoperative day
                                                              7 in all cases. Time to return to normal activity was noted
          Exclusion Criteria                                  in all patients. Patients were reassessed on all occasions
                                                              and wound infection, port site herniation were checked,
          Patients with body mass index >35, patients with recur-
          rence after previous repair, patients afflicted with chronic   and all patients were followed up for minimum 6 months
          obstructive pulmonary disease, lower urinary tract   after surgery and were assessed for recurrence.
          syndromes, prostatomegaly with complaints of nocturia,
          patients unfit for general anesthesia, and patients with   OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS
          acute abdominal emergency were excluded.            The following facts and figures are observed from our
          CONDUCTION OF STUDY                                 •  In our study, 28 (46.66%) out of 60 cases were females,
          Patients were selected for the study after taking careful   whereas 32 (53.33%) cases were males, which shows
          detailed history, clinical examination, laboratory inves-  a higher incidence in males.
          tigations, and ultrasound examination as described  •  In  our  study,  the  mean  duration  of  surgery  was
          above. The patients eligible for the study were selected,   83.67 minutes in the glue fixation group, which was
          informed, and explained regarding the above study and   significantly more (p = 0.000) than the tacker fixation
          a proper informed, valid, written consent was taken for   group where mean duration of surgery was 64.50
          participation in the study.                            minutes.

                                                  Fig. 1: Visual analog scale
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12