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Vinaya K Ambore et al
          low incidence of postoperative pain. Since the p-value for   work by penetrating fixation mechanism and anchors
          the t-test is less than that of 0.05, the VAS score at 24 and    the mesh; however, this leads to some amount of
          2 days indicates significant difference and also more pain   postoperative pain.
          tacker. Median (range) postoperative hospital stay for  •  Length of hospital stay was less in the glue fixation
          patients with tacker fixation is 3 (2–4) days, which is more   group.
          as compared with 2 (1–3) days in glue fixation, which is  •  Cost of glue fixation is 50% less as compared with
          statistically significant (p < 0.0001).                tacker fixation owing to the added cost of tacker.
             Eriksen et al  from the group of Prof. Rosenberg at the  •  Postoperative follow-up up to 1 year does not show
          University of Copenhagen, Denmark, have performed      any recurrence; however, no data of efficiency with
          and published an experimental study and a clinical     longer follow-up are available.
          randomized control trial on the fixation of mesh in ventral   However, the use of tacker or glue depends on sur-
          hernia with glue. They concluded that mesh fixation with  geon’s preference, patient affordability, and availabilities
          glue in LVHR was associated with less postoperative  of facilities.
          discomfort and pain. In our study, no recurrence
          was found in both groups of fixation methods. In all  REFERENCES
          studies evaluating hernia repairs, the most important     1.  Chevrel JP, Rath AM. The use of fibrin glues in the surgical
          benchmark is recurrence and the minimum period of       treatment of incisional hernias. Hernia 1997 May;1(1):9-14.
          follow-up, for assessing it till the date of completion       2.  Eriksen JR, Bisgaard T, Assaadzadeh S, Jorgensen LN, Rosen-
          of study.                                               berg J. Randomized clinical trial of fibrin sealant versus
                                                                  titanium tacks for mesh fixation in laparoscopic umbilical
                                                                  hernia repair. Br J Surg 2011 Nov;98(11):1537-1545.
          CONCLUSION                                            3.  Olmi S, Cesana G, Sagutti L, Pagano C, Vittoria G, Croce E.
          •  Return to normal physical activity is earlier in patients   Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair with fibringlue in select
                                                                  patients. JSLS 2010 Apr-Jun;14(2):240-245.
             with glue fixation.                                4.  Olmi S, Scaini A, Erba L, Croce E. Use of fibrin glue (Tissucol)
          •  Tackers are used for fixation of mesh in LVHR and    in laparoscopic repair of abdominal wall defects: preliminary
             are available in absorbable and nonabsorbable. They   experience. Surg Endosc 2007 Mar;21(3):409-413.

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