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                                    Rising Trend of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Over Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Comparative Study
          through the vagina. The vault was closed vaginally in   Peroperative and postoperative complications are
          all the cases. Hemostasis was checked and port sites  shown in Table 3. Mean duration of hospital stay was
          were closed.                                        lesser in group II with mean values of 6.93 ± 2.1 days and
             Abdominal hysterectomy was performed according  4.68 ± 1.3 days in group I and group II respectively, with
          to the technique described by Mattingly and Thompson   difference being statistically significant. Postoperative
          for benign disease.                                 was also found less in women who underwent TLH. Most
                                                              of the patients did not require intravenous analgesics
          RESULTS                                             after 2 days of laparoscopic surgery and were comfortably

          The demographic profile of patients has been shown in   discharged on day 4/5.
          Table 1. The mean age of women undergoing TAH and      It was found that bladder injury occurred in two cases;
          TLH was 46.8 ± 6.3 years and 46.4 ± 7.6 years, respectively.   both of them were operated by open technique (TAH).
          In 41% of cases with previous surgery, TAH was done   In both of these cases, there was history of previous two
          while TLH was done with 50% of women with a history   caesarean sections and bladder was completely adherent
          of prior surgery. No significant difference was found in   over the uterus. Bowel injury occurred in two women
          demographic profile among two groups. Average BMI was   who underwent TAH. No visceral injury was reported
          higher in women undergoing TAH than TLH. However, no   in group II (TLH).
          significant difference was found. Although no significant   Among postoperative complications, it has been
          difference was found in BMI among the two groups, but   observed that postoperative fever and abdominal dis-
          after developing good expertise in surgery, the authors  tension was found in more number of women who
          here started to prefer TLH in women with morbid obesity.  underwent TAH. This might be explained on basis of
             Indication of surgery is shown in Table 2. It was found  more tissue handling and prolonged environmental
          that most common indication of hysterectomy was fibroid  exposure during open surgery as compare to minimal
          uterus in both the groups. However, it was found that in  invasive surgery.
          women with ovarian cyst, more commonly TAH was per-    Stitch line sepsis occurred in seven cases (5.1%), all of
          formed. This can be explained on basis of size of ovarian  which occur after TAH. No wound sepsis occurred after
          cyst, making laparoscopic surgery difficult and secondly  TLH showing better wound healing after laparoscopic
          could be due to suspicion of malignancy in such cases.  surgery.

              Table I: Demographic profile of women who underwent    Table 2: Indications of surgery in women who underwent
                      TAH (group I) and TLH (group II)                    TAH (group I) and TLH (group II)
                          Group I (TAH)  Group II (TLH)                             Group I (TAH)   Group II (TLH)
                          (n = 100)    (n = 35)    p value    Indication of surgery  (n = 100)   (n = 35)
          Age (years)     46.8 ± 6.3  46.4 ± 7.6   0.784 NS   Fibroid uterus        80 (80%)     20 (57.2%)
          Parity          1.43 ± 1.6  1.49 ± 1.1   0.85 NS
          BMI (kg/m2)     27.2 ± 5.1   26.1 ± 4.5  0.11 NS    DUB                   3 (3%)       12 (34.3%)
          Previous surgery                                    Ovarian cyst          12 (12%)     1 (2.8%)
            Tubal ligation  21 (22.1%)  7 (26.9%)  0.608  NS  Chronic PID           2 (2%)       0
            Caesarean section 12 (12.6%)  4 (15.4%)  0.709 NS  Adenomyosis          0            2 (5.7%)
            Myomectomy    2 (2.1%)    0            NS
            Cystectomy    4 (4.2%)    2 (7.7%)     0.46 NS    Postmenopausal bleeding  2 (2%)    0
          Total           39 (41.1%)  13 (50%)     0.41 NS    Endometrial hyperplasia   1 (1%)   0

                  Table 3: Per- and postoperative complications observed in women who underwent TAH (group I) and TLH (group II)
                                             Group I (TAH) (n = 100)   Group II (TLH) (n = 35)   p value
           Duration of hospital stay (days)  6.93 ± 2.1 days           4.68  ± 1.3 days          0.0001
           Bladder injury                    2 (2%)                    0                         NS
           Bowel injury                      2 (2%)                    0                         NS
           Postoperative complications:
           Need of blood transfusion                                                             0.001
           Pyrexia                           2 (2%)                    5 (14.2%)                 NS
           Abdominal distension              5 (5%)                    2 (5.7%)                  NS
           Prolonged catheterisation         5 (5%)                    1 (2.8%)                  0.01
           Wound sepsis                      3 (3%)                    4 (11.4%)                 0.001
           Subcutaneous emphysema            7 (7%)                    0                         NS
                                             0                         1 (2.8%)                  0.001
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):59-63                                61
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