Page 8 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 8

Nidhi Jain et al.
          was done. In women with obesity and previous surgeries,  site. Two ancillary 5 mm trocars were placed as shown in
          laparoscopy was preferred. Few cases with uterine size  Figure 1A. In cases with the large uterus or big fibroid,
          > 12 weeks and fibroid size of 8 to 10 cm have also been  another 5mm trocar was placed on the lateral side for
          operated laparoscopically.                          uterine manipulation by introducing myoma screw.
             The data was collected in form of a demographic     The round ligament was first cauterized with bipolar
          profile, an indication of surgery, complications observed  forceps and then cut with Enseal forceps. Similarly, fallopian
          during surgery and postoperative complications. The  tube and ovarian ligament were also cauterized and cut.
          comparison was done between two groups, women          After cutting the fundal structures, the vesicouterine
          undergoing TAH (group I) and women undergoing TLH  fold of peritoneum was opened by the harmonic blade in
          (group II). A p value < 0.05 was considered significant.  the central part of the lower uterine segment. After that,
                                                              bladder dissection is continued in either direction and
          Surgical Technique                                  bladder is pushed downwards. During this step, a cup
          After informed consent, the patient was taken for surgery.  of the uterine manipulator is pushed inside to locate the
          Surgery was done under general anesthesia with end  right cleavage plane (Fig. 1B).
          tracheal intubation. The patient was placed in the dorsal   After careful skeletonization, the uterine artery was
          lithotomy position. After per vaginum examination, the  coagulated with bipolar forceps and cut with scissors or
          uterine manipulator (Marva’s) was placed and Foley  harmonic blade (Fig. 1C). The uterosacral ligaments were
          urinary catheter was inserted.                      then coagulated and sectioned, by harmonic.
             After creating CO  pneumoperitoneum with  Veress    Lastly, circular colpotomy was then done by using
          needle, a 10 mm trocar was placed at the supra-umbilical  the unipolar hook (Fig. 1D) and the uterus was removed

           A                                                 B

              C                                           D
                                                    Figs 1A to D: Captional 10mm port and two ancillary 5 mm ports; (B) Laparo-
          Figs 1A and D: (A) Laparoscopic image showing placem e nt o f s u p r a - u m b i l i c
          scopic image showing bladder dissection via opening of vesico-uterine fold of peritoneum by harmonic blade; (C) Laparoscopic image
          showing coagulation of uterine artery followed by cutting by harmonic forceps; (D) Laparoscopic image showing circular colpotomy
          by unipolar hook
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