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Laparoscopic Conservative Treatment and Laparoscopic Salpingotomy

            Fig. 6: The salpingostomy is performed at the proximal part of the   Fig. 7: The robust, large suction device permits removal of the
            hematosalpinx (Donnez J, et al. Atlas of Operative Laparoscopy and   trophoblast through gentle and progressive traction (Donnez J, et al.
            Hysteroscopy. Informa; 2007)                       Atlas of Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. Informa; 2007)

            Fig. 8: A repeat suction is performed (Donnez J, et al. Atlas of Operative   Fig. 9: This minimal bleeding does not require further hemostasis and
            Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. Informa; 2007)       coagulation. The abdominal cavity must simply be washed (Donnez J,
                                                               et al. Atlas of Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy. Informa; 2007)
               For women who have completed childbearing, bilateral
            salpingectomy may be performed as permanent sterilization. The   tubo-ovarian or utero-ovarian vessels, thus sparing the accessory
            availability and high intrauterine pregnancy rate of IVF have also   blood supply to the ovary.
            decreased the need to preserve diseased fallopian tubes, including   There is no difference in the direction of the salpingectomy:
            tubes with an ectopic pregnancy. However, many women do not   it can be carried out from the isthmus to the infundibulopelvic
            have access to IVF for financial, geographic, or ethical reasons. An   ligament or vice versa . Extraction of the tubes from the abdominal
            additional potential benefit of salpingectomy rather than another   cavity must be done in an endobag or through a culdotomy, rather
            sterilization method is a decrease in the risk of tubal neoplasia with   than pulling the tube through a trocar incision.
            spread to the ovary.
               Salpingectomy appears to be associated with a reduced risk of
            ovarian cancer, and some data suggest that the tube is the site of   conclusIon
            origin for some high-grade serous carcinomas that were presumed   Ectopic pregnancy remains the leading cause of death in the first
            to be ovarian.       However, further study is needed, and unilateral   trimester of pregnancy. Today, TVUS examination facilitates early
            salpingectomy has not been investigated.           detection of most ectopic pregnancies. Whether a laparoscopic
               Electrosurgery was applied for salpingectomy by bipolar or   salpingostomy should be done or a salpingectomy is still a matter
            even monopolar coagulation. No data support a difference in the   of debate. The choice of salpingostomy or salpingectomy relies
            use of any of these technologies, even though bipolar cautery   upon many factors and includes shared decision-making between
            is generally considered to be less dangerous. The mesosalpinx   the surgeon and patient.
            and the blood vessels coursing through can be desiccated with   The effect of different management strategies on subsequent
            bipolar electrosurgery. It is rarely necessary to desiccate either the   fertility after tubal ectopic pregnancy is still controversial.

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)  143
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