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            Flowchart 1: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram for the selection of studies

               Sancibrian et al. arrived at the conclusion that the specifically   Bartnicka et al. concluded that there exists an inverse
            designed significantly improved the efficiency of the surgeon in   relationship between the benefit to the patient and surgeon wrist
            completing the asks and were better than the conventional RH   strain. 43
            instruments. 36
               Tung et al. concluded that the pistol grip was found to be far   Personal Protective Equipment
            better than the regular grip and it was noted to have reduced the   Liu et al. concluded that the operative procedure interference
            task–peg transfer and cutting time. The results also suggested   would not happen with the exosuit, which rather will be a minimal
            reduced pain but with the data, and the possibility of having bias   gear device that can be worn by the surgeon. This can drastically
            of subjective variability it was not possible to arrive at a definitive   decrease fatigue and pain. 12
            conclusion on the effect of tool design. 37
               Harada et al. concluded that even though the 3D/HD monitor
            might provide an advantage over the 2D/4K monitor for the   dIscussIon
            operating expert surgeon in most cases, the 2D/4K monitors might   Ergonomics is an interplay between the human here the surgeon
            score over these in narrow or finer working areas over the 3D/HD   and the environment which in this case is the operative room and
            with their high-resolution images. 38              the surgical instruments. Surgical devices and instruments which
                                                               are designed following ergonomic principles will hugely benefit
            Administrative Interventions                       the surgeon and ensure the smooth conduct of the intended
            Stomberg et al. concluded that the incidence of musculoskeletal   procedure. This field of ergonomics is still in the infancy stage as
            injuries and problems is higher in surgeons performing minimal   compared to other sectors such as aerospace, car design, etc. This
            access surgeries. This is due to the long hours of static posture   study attempted to study the overall role of the application of
            or non-neutral positions of the body during the procedures. The   ergonomic principles in the operative room. This is much-needed
            general surgeons and gynecologists were found prone to such     study as the application is comparatively minimal among the
            injuries. 39                                       surgical fraternity.
               Miller et al. concluded that occupational injury in the form of
            musculoskeletal problems is common among surgeons. These   Engineering Interventions
            could be due to non-ergonomic body postures. They added that   The most important aspect of any surgical intervention is the
            with better awareness, knowledge, and following the right rubrics   minimal complication rate and faster recovery rate. This can be
            these can be reduced. 40                           achieved with precision which demands some strain on the surgeon
               Tjiam et al. concluded that urologists particularly endourologists   musculoskeletal system. The relation between the duration of
            experience a high rate of musculoskeletal injuries. The insufficient   the procedure and the strain appears to be directly proportional
            knowledge among the urologist about ergonomics was highlighted   to each other.
            by this study. They recommended the introduction of ergonomic   None of the surgeons felt the side position of the monitor
            principles in the surgical curriculum in the early phase of the   would be ideal; subject preferred the monitor at the side position. 34
            career to gather knowledge. Hoping that this move will reduce   The study conducted by Gallagher et al. provided results
            occupational injuries. 41                          that in study 1, the outcome among the resident’s performance
               Aitchison et al. identified four crucial areas which are putting the   came down (p = 0.00001) due to the movement of the camera.
            surgeons at risk of having injuries. (1) The asymmetrical movement   Further, the error rate was significantly high (p = 0.00001). In study
            between the dominant shoulder and the non-dominant one;    2, the task of intracorporeal knotting was prolonged and it was
            (2) The constant awkward positions of the neck; (3) The repetitive   due to the camera movement again (p = 0.00001), hence it is
            in and outward instrument movement through the ports; (4) The   advisable that the unwarranted movement of the camera should
            long duration of odd positions. 42                 be avoided and steadiness would reduce the errors. 35

             38   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)
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