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First Port Access Using an Optical Trocar

                                                               Fig. 3: The optical port was just at the level of the peritoneum with its
                                                               tip creating a small hole to the abdomen through which insufflation
                                                               was started

            Fig. 1: Palmer’s point shown by the arrow

                                                               Fig. 4: The optical port was safely and easily introduced to the abdomen
                                                               under complete vision after creating good pneumoperitoneum

                                                                  A 12-mm incision was made over Palmer’s point and a 12-mm
            Fig. 2: Gradual introduction of the optical port through muscle layers   optical trocar (ENDOPATH XCEL  trocar with OPTIVIEW  technology)
            of the anterior abdominal wall                     was introduced with a 0°-degree camera (Fig. 1). A slow controlled
                                                               rotating introduction of the optical trocar with the 0°-degree
            placement of the Veress needle through that point would be   camera was done through the layers of the anterior abdominal
            more difficult compared to the infraumbilical entry because the   wall (Fig. 2).
            abdominal wall layers do not come together at the left upper   The introduction of the optical trocar was stopped once the
            quadrant as they do at the midline. 20             peritoneum was reached and a small hole was created by the tip
               Many studies are reporting the use of optical ports through the   of the trocar. Then, pneumoperitoneum was created using low
            midline, 21–23  whereas its use through Palmer’s point has not been   pressure less than 12 mm Hg. With the creation of good insufflation
            reported much in the literature. Our aim was to present the safety   of the abdomen, the port was slowly introduced to the abdomen
            and simplicity of using an optical trocar for the establishment of   under complete safe vision (Figs 3 and 4).
            pneumoperitoneum and first port access through Palmer’s point   Through-and-through inspection of the abdominal cavity
            for advanced upper GIT surgeries.                  was done to exclude any intra-abdominal injuries. Then, all other
                                                               required ports for the targeted procedure were introduced under
                                                               vision. This port used for creating the pneumoperitoneum was
            MAterIAls And Methods
                                                               used as a working port during the procedures. At the end of the
            This prospective observational study was conducted during the   procedure, this port site was closed using subcuticular sutures.
            period from December 2015 to January 2020 at Ain Shams University   We do not routinely perform closure of the fascial defect because
            Hospitals and a few private hospitals in Cairo, Egypt. All patients listed   the muscle-splitting nature of these trocars does not require
            for advanced upper GIT laparoscopic procedures were included in the   closure.
            study, whereas, the patients who had splenomegaly, hepatomegaly   This technique was standardized among all cases and all
            or the previous left upper quadrant surgery were excluded.  operations were performed by two surgeons who are experienced
               We conducted this study in compliance with the principles of   in laparoscopic surgery.
            the Declaration of Helsinki. The study’s protocol was reviewed and   Time of first port introduction, creating pneumoperitoneum,
            approved by the institutional ethical committee (IRB No. 0006379).   as well as complications during or after the procedure were
            Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants.  recorded.

            190   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 3 (September–December 2022)
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