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Laparoscopic vs Mini-incision Open Appendectomy
            The results of this study were comparable with results of the study   LA group, 31 patients resumed their normal activity by 1 week while
            conducted by Naraintran et al.  and Kushwah et al.  In this study,   16 patients returned to normal work between 1–2 weeks (p <0.001).
            the assessment of the postoperative pain was done by using VAS   Our results were in agreement with the results of the studies by
            on day 1 at 6, 12, and 24 hours after surgery followed by further   Islam et al.,  Kushwa et al.,  and Shaikh et al. 22
            assessment on day 2, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and then 4 weeks
            after surgery. The postoperative pain score was less in LA group as   conclusIon
            compared to MIA group and was statistically significant in favor of
            LA group. This study was comparable with the results of Naraintran    We conclude that LA is safe and minimally invasive procedure
            et al.  Kushwah et al.,  and Shaikh et al.  In this study, total   for the management of appendicitis. The main advantages of
            analgesia required in postoperative period was assessed and   LA are less intraoperative time, less pain, less analgesic need,
            calculated as the average number of analgesic injections needed   early recovery, quick resumption of routine activities, and better
            by each patient during the first 24 hours and the need for analgesic   cosmetic results.
            tablets after 24 hours. The difference was statistically significant in
            favor of LA as the average number of analgesic injections needed   Acknowledgments
            was 2.05 in MIA group as compared to 1.41 in LA group. The   The authors acknowledge the immense help received from the
            statistically significant difference was also seen in the number of   scholars whose articles are cited and included in references of
            oral analgesic tablets needed by the patients at home. It was 5.3   this manuscript. The authors are also grateful to authors/editors/
            for the MIA group and 3.2 for the LA group.        publishers of all those articles, journals, and books from where the
               Wound infection was not seen in any of the patients who   literature for this article has been reviewed and discussed.
            underwent LA. On the other hand, wound infection was seen
            in six patients who had undergone MIA, which was again   orcId
            statistically significant (p <0.027). Our results are in agreement
            with the results of other studies conducted by Naraintran et al.    Shams Ul Bari
            and Pedersen et al.  This higher rate of wound infection in MIA
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