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Validation of CLOC Score
               The various predictive preoperative scoring systems of   results
            conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy have been
            proposed. However, the clinical benefits are limited due to small   Baseline Characteristics
            sample sizes and/or lack of validation. Sutcliffe et al. has proposed   A total of 163 subjects were included in this study, with a mean
            the CLOC risk score according to the CholeS prospective study   age of 51.06 ± 13.3 years. Data on subjects’ age were distributed
            involving 8820 subjects. The results were patients with a CLOC score   normally. There was no statistically significant difference with
            of >6 had a higher risk of conversion to open surgery, specifically   regards to subjects’ age (p = 0.483), with an average age of 55.20 ±
            six times higher risk compared with those with a CLOC score of   17.2 years among those who underwent conversion to open
            ≤6. This score had a sensitivity of 77.1% and a specificity of 65.4%;   cholecystectomy and an average age of 50.93 ± 13.3 years among
            thus, this score may be utilized in the clinical settings to accurately   those who did not. Based on age-groups, most of the subjects were
            predict the risk of conversion.  Other important issue in laparoscopic   40–69 years and only 11 subjects who were <30 years. Most of the
            cholecystectomy is prolonged operative time. Prolonged duration   subjects were female (103 subjects, 63.2%).
            of surgery according to Sutcliffe et al.  is an important determinant   The indication for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in this study
            of overall complication rate, including bile leak, injury to biliary   was almost exclusively colicky pain (symptomatic gallstones), which
            duct, and longer length-of-stay. Among the proposed risk scoring   comprised of 144 cases (88.3%). A total of 146 subjects (89.0%) in
            systems, CLOC risk score is the preoperative predictive score that   this study also had normal gallbladder wall thickness (<4 mm), and
            has been developed according to prospective data with a large   a total of 141 subjects (86.5%) did not have dilated common biliary
            sample size and has been widely validated. On the other hand, in   duct diameter. Based on the ASA classification, a total of 123 subjects
            Indonesia, there has been no data and preoperative conversion   (75.5%) were ASA class 2. The only variable found to have statistically
            risk scoring system. The CLOC risk score may be utilized to reduce   significant difference in proportion was dilation of common biliary
            the risks of morbidity and mortality associated with conversion to   duct (p = 0.010). This result was obtained through Fisher test.
            open procedure.                                       The median duration of surgery in this study was 135 (30–105)
               Previously, G10 scoring system for predicting bailout procedure   minutes, with an interquartile range of 70. Data with regards to
            has been validated in Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).   duration of surgery were expressed in the form of median and
            However, this scoring system uses intraoperative parameters and   interquartile range due to abnormal distribution. There was a
            is not specific for predicting conversion to open cholecystectomy.   statistically significant difference between the duration of surgery
            The  CLOC  scoring  system  has  the  advantage  of  utilizing   and rate of conversion (p < 0.001). The median duration of surgery
            preoperative parameters. This system can specifically predict the   in the conversion group was 270 (230–300) minutes, compared with
            risk of conversion and thus may be utilized for risk estimation and   130 (30–405) minutes in the control group. Detailed information on
            preparation for open cholecystectomy if the patient is considered   subjects’ characteristics was shown in Table 1.
            high-risk. However, in order for this scoring system to be applied
            in RSCM, it need to be validated accordingly. RSCM will be the first   Association between the CLOC Score and the Rate
            hospital to validate this scoring system outside of the center where   of Conversion to Open Cholecystectomy
            this score was developed.                          Because the data obtained in this study did not fulfill the criteria
                                                               for Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test were conducted to obtain
                                                               the proportion of low-risk (≤6) and high-risk (>6) CLOC score for
            MAterIAls And Methods                              conversion. Among subjects with low-risk CLOC score, 1 (0.8%)
            Population                                         underwent conversion, while the remaining 33 subjects (99.2%)
            This study is a retrospective study of patients who underwent   had straightforward laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
            laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures in RSCM from January   There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of
            2018 to December 2019 period. Patients with incomplete medical   conversion between subjects who had a low-risk CLOC score
            records were excluded. Data according to CLOC score variables,   and subjects who did not (p = 0.010). The difference in the rate of
            including age, sex, indication for surgery, ASA class, gallbladder wall,   conversion to open cholecystectomy between those with low-
            and common biliary duct diameter were collected.   risk score and those with high-risk score was 10.0%. Because the
                                                               difference in proportion was less than 20%, clinically there was no
            Data Analysis                                      difference between low-risk and high-risk CLOC score in terms of
            Data were analyzed using IBM Statistical Package for the Social   the rate of conversion in RSCM patients. The slight difference in
            Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Data analysis conducted included   proportion may be due to the small sample size. The difference in
            both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics   proportion was shown in Table 2.
            were provided in the form of table. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
            was opted because the number of subjects for this study was >50   Logistic Regression Analysis
            patients. Afterwards, bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses   Based on the bivariate analysis in Table 1, the variables age, age-
            were conducted. Bivariate analysis was conducted using a Chi-  group, dilation of common biliary duct diameter, and ASA class
            square (χ ) test. Alternatives for Chi-square test were Fisher test or   had p-values of ≤0.25 and thus may be further included in logistic
            Mann–Whitney test. Multivariate analysis was conducted along with   regression analysis. On the other hand, the variables sex, indication
            logistic regression test to identify the cause-and-effect relationship   for surgery, and gallbladder wall thickness all had p-values of
            among all the parameters/components of the CLOC scoring system   >0.25 and thus were not included in logistic regression analysis.
            and the rate of conversion. Calculation of the sensitivity and   However, all parameters included in CLOC score theoretically were
            specificity of the CLOC scoring system for patients in RSCM were   considered important. Logistic regression analysis was performed
            conducted using the ROC curve.                     with backward methods until the regression model was obtained

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