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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
            between IPOM and TARM techniques. This likely stems from the   In this study, only two patients in the IPOM group and two
            distribution of cases who required extensive adhesolysis (>30   patients in the TARM group showed postoperative recurrence of
            minutes) (7.7% in IPOM vs 3.8 in TARM). 31         the ventral hernia with no significant difference between the two
               In this study, intraoperative complications in both groups,   groups. All of those four cases were repaired within 6–12 months
            minor bleeding from adhesolysis accounted for 12.5% in group   postoperatively by open approach.
            I and 16.7 % in group II, six cases in group II (16.7%) show tearing   The previous studies reported that the total recurrence rate
            of peritoneum, small intestine serosal tear occur in group II in two   of LVHR (IPOM) is 3.8–5.6%. 35,36  Chowbey et al. observed in their
            patients that managed by vicryl suturing of the serosal tear, also   series of 34 cases who underwent LVHR with  TARM approach that
            retromuscular hematoma occurs in group II in two patients and   the recurrence rate was 2.5%.  However, other study reported no
            managed intraoperatively by aspiration and control of bleeders.   recurrence rates in the two groups of cases included in their study
            Three cases in TARM repair were converted to IPOM technique due   either those underwent IPOM or TARM. 38
            to tearing of the peritoneum, Neither vascular injuries nor intestinal   In this study, there is no significant difference between the
            injuries were observed in both groups.             periods of hospital stay of the two groups. Most of the hospital
               In a previous research, two cases in TARM procedures had   stay durations in both groups did not exceed 48 hours and only a
            an omental bleed while doing adhesolysis, which was controlled   few cases stayed in the hospital for 72 hours. Return to normal daily
            laparoscopically with the placement of a drain for one postoperative   activity with a short period for both techniques with no significant
            day. One case in the IPOM group had an inferior epigastric vessel   difference between both of them.
            injury that was managed by clip application. None had any   Prasad et al. showed that the mean of the hospital stay was
            intraoperative complications in IPOM.  Prasad et al. reported   1.5–0.6 days in  TARM group and 1.4–0.7 days in the IPOM group
            that bleeding occurred in only one patient (1.4%) with TARM while   with no significant difference between the two groups.  In
            serosal injury occurred in two patients (2.9%) in TARM group, and   another study, the mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.8 ±
            five patients (2.3%) in the IPOM group. 29         1.02 days in the  TARM group vs 3.4 ± 1.3 days in the IPOM group.
               Hematomas were more frequent in the IPOM group of another   Gokcal et al. showed that the median length of postoperative
            research as well. One possible explanation for this may be stemmed   hospital stay was 0 days (IQR = 0–0) for both groups (range, 0–7
            from the more extensive mesh fixation in IPOM repairs, increasing   days in IPOM vs 0–4 days in TARM). They reported that a very
            the likelihood of inadvertently injuring perforating vessels. 31  large majority of patients are discharged on the same day of the
               Regarding the postoperative complications of the cases within   surgery. 31
            the two groups, 12 cases (50%) had complications in the IPOM   In this current study, the 60 cases were given postoperatively
            repair group while in the TARM group, postoperative complications   one dose of analgesic in the form of IM injection of NSAIDs.
            appeared in 21 cases (58.3%). seroma formation was the most   Moreover, 12 cases from group I and 16 cases from group II
            commonly reported complication in IPOM and TARM groups   received extra doses of analgesics with no important difference
            (33.3% vs 41.6%, respectively) with no significant difference. All   statistically. The mean postoperative pain score in the IPOM repair
            cases of seroma were managed conservatively with no need for   group was 3.42 ± 0.51 vs 3.44 ± 0.51 in the TARM group. There was
            surgical interference.                             no significant difference between the two groups regarding the
               It has been reported that the most commonly noticed   postoperative pain.
            complication of LVHR is the formation of seroma. The majority of   Similar results were reported by previous research. There
            the seromas occur anterior to the mesh and within retained hernial   was no statistically significant difference in the pain VAS score
            sac. 32,33  This came in agreement with a previous study which stated   between the cases who underwent IPOM or  TARM hernia repair
            that seroma was the most frequent complication in both groups   at 12 and 24 hours.  This came in agreement with Prasad et al.
            underwent LVHR enrolled in their research (5.8% in the  TARM   (2011) who revealed by comparison of the VAS pain score in both
            group and 8.3% in the IPOM group) with no significant difference   of the groups included in their study that there was no statistically
            between the two groups. 29                         significant difference between the two groups either in the first day
               The fundamental principles of the retromuscular (preperitoneal)   postoperatively or after 30 days.  The recent research conducted
            repair, described by Stoppa and Rives, that entail placing the mesh   by Gockal et al. who did not find a difference in early postoperative
            in this preperitoneal planes have many advantages. It is a highly   pain scores between the two groups. 31
            vascular plane; hence, it is protective against infection, and,   From our initial experience of these 36 cases done by TARM
            moreover, any SSI occurring in the subcutaneous planes does not   repair, we feel it may be better to reduce mesh size to 12 cm × 15 cm
            reach the mesh, as the mesh is retromuscular in a different deeper   with 12 cm placed laterally so that lateral  nerves are not unduly
            plane. 34                                          irritated and to reduce postoperative pain.
               This coincided with our results where mesh infection in the   Transfascial sutures used in IPOM may result in increased
            studied patients was only one case in the second group.  Five   postoperative pain.  Another a possible contributing factor to a
            patients developed wound infection—two in the IPOM group and   difference in the perception of pain or discomfort in IPOM cases
            three in the TARM repair group. The minimal surgical interference   relates to a potential inflammatory reaction which resulted from
            was needed without the need for mesh removal. One case in the   the placement of a foreign body within the peritoneal cavity. 39
            IPOM group and two cases in the TARM group had postoperative   However, although shortened operation time due to minimal
            paralytic ileus and they were managed conservatively.  dissection with IPOM repair, the economic calculation including
               On the contrary, Gokcal et al. showed that the rate of   mesh costs is significantly higher.  In regard to the analysis of
            development of seromas, hematomas, and SSI, was significantly   hospital cost of the case of each technique, it was found also that
            higher in the IPOM group, though when taken individually, these   higher hospital costs were observed in IPOM ($3,080) than the costs
            complications did not reach significance. 31       of TARM ($2,210).The difference was statistically so significant due

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