Page 64 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Validation of CLOC Score
            Table 3: Logistic regression model
                                                                                         95% CI
                                            Coefficient     df         OR         Lower        Upper         p
             6th step      Diameter (1)        2.396        1        10.974        1.721       69.952       0.011
                           Constant          −4.241         1          0.014                                0.000

                                                               (55.20 ± 17.2 vs 50.93 ± 13.3; p = 0.483). According to the age-group,
                                                               the largest difference of proportion is among the age-group 30–39
                                                               years, who had an 8.7% higher risk for conversion compared with
                                                               subjects in the age-group <30 years. Other risk factors not found to
                                                               be significantly associated with the rate of conversion in this study
                                                               are sex, indication for surgery, gallbladder wall thickness, and ASA
                                                               classification. Dilation of the common biliary duct above the normal
                                                               diameter was found to be significantly associated with the risk of
                                                               conversion. The group with dilation of the common biliary duct had
                                                               a 12.2% higher risk for conversion to open procedure compared with
                                                               those with normal diameter with a p-value of 0.018.
                                                                  The most common surgical indication  associated with
                                                               conversion was mostly colicky pain (symptomatic gallstones), which
                                                               was found in four subjects (2.8%). This finding was different with
                                                               the study by Sutcliffe et al.,  which reported that the most common
                                                               indication of conversion to open surgery was CBD calculi (9.1%), in
                                                               stark contrast with colicky pain (1.2%).
            Fig. 1: ROC curve of CLOC score and the rate of conversion. Area under   After logistic regression multivariate analysis, only dilation
            the curve (AUC) = 78.8% (95% CI: 58.2–100.0%; p = 0.029)  of common biliary duct variable was found to be statistically
                                                               significant, with an OR of 10.974 (95% CI: 1.271–69.952; p = 0.011).
            Table 4: Comparison between CLOC risk score and duration of surgery  RSCM patients with dilation of common biliary duct had a 10.97
                                                               times higher risk of conversion to open procedure compared with
                                    Duration of surgery        patients without common biliary duct dilation. Thus, although
                                                               other factors were found to be not statistically significant, if RSCM
             Skor CLOC      n       Median     IQR       p     patients had the risk factor of dilated common biliary duct above
             Low-risk (≤6)  126     120.0       50.0           the normal diameter, they had a significantly higher probability of
                                                        0.001*  undergoing later conversion. The accuracy of this parameter was
             High-risk (>6)    37   180.0     100.0
                                                               up to 74% (95% CI: 47.9–100.0%; p = 0.068). Although it was found
             Total          163     135.0       70.0           not statistically significant, clinically this value was important. The
            Mann–Whitney test                                  association between dilation of common biliary duct and rate of
            *Statistically significant difference (p <0.05)    conversion was also reported by several authors. 7–9  In the study
            IQR, interquartile range                           by Sutcliffe et al.,  the OR was lower, which was 1.70. Dilation of
                                                               common biliary duct above normal diameter and increased
            different with the median duration of surgery in the high-risk group   gallbladder wall thickness indicate chronic inflammation due to
            [120 (30–330) vs 180 (45–405) minutes; p = 0.001]. Results of the   recurrent cholecystitis. Both of these conditions in various reports
            comparison were shown in Table 4.                  are associated with an increased risk of conversion. 10–12

            dIscussIon                                         Validation of CLOC Score in Predicting Conversion
            Subject Characteristics                            to Open Cholecystectomy
            The rate of conversion to open cholecystectomy in this study was   In this study, CLOC score was significantly associated with the rate
            relatively small. However, this number was similar to the study by   of conversion (p = 0.010). Clinically, the difference in proportion of
            Sutcliffe et al.,  which was 3.3%, and lower than both the study by   conversion in the high-risk group and the low-risk group was only
            Tayeb et al.  in Pakistan, which was 8.4%, and the study by Amin    10%; however, this finding may be explained by the low-risk of
            et al.,  which was 7.8%. The indication for conversion was the   conversion in our center. Validation of CLOC score was performed
            inability to locate Calot’s triangle during laparoscopic approach. 5,6  by ROC curve analysis, and it was found that CLOC score had a
                                                               diagnostic accuracy of 78.8% (95% CI: 58.2–99.4%; p = 0.029),
            Risk Factors for Conversion                        which were both statistically and clinically significant. The optimal
            According to the study by Sutcliffe et al.,  there were six variables   cut-off value was 6.5, with a sensitivity of 80.0% and a specificity
            associated with the rate of conversion: age, sex, ASA class, indication   of 79.1%. These results mean that 80.0% patients with a CLOC
            for surgery, gallbladder wall thickness, and dilation of common   score of >6 (high-risk) were more likely to undergo conversion and
            biliary duct above normal diameter.                approximately 79.1% patients with a CLOC score of ≤6 (low-risk)
               In this study, the average age of subjects who needed   were more likely to not require conversion; however, about 20.9%
            conversion to open surgery was similar with those who did not   patients with a low-risk score were still at-risk for conversion.

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