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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
            Table 1: Different types of included ventral hernias
                                                IPOM (N = 24)           TARM (N = 36)
                                                  Group I                 Group II
             Variables                       No          %           No           %            χ 2           p
             Epigastric (1ry)                  8         30%         18           50%         1.970        0.961
             Paraumbilical (1ry)             10          45%         10           30%
             Incisional                        6         25%           8          20%
             No complications                18          75%         20          55.6%        4.013        0.404
             Minor bleeding                    3        12.5%          6         16.7%
             Tearing of the peritoneum         0          0%           6         16.7%
             Serosal tear of small bowel       0          0%           2         5.6%
             Retromuscular hematoma            0          0%           2         5.6%
             Conversion of the technique       0          0%           3         8.3%
             Operative time (min) (mean ± SD)   82.17 ± 20.61           115.83 ± 29.17        3.456        0.002*

            Postoperative Follow-up                            cases postappendectomy, and one case of port site hernia) and
            The postoperative assessment of pain was achieved using the   20% of patients in TARM group (five patients postexploratory,
            visual analog scale (VAS) in the first postoperative day and   one postappendectomy, and two cases of port site hernia). The
            analgesia, as follows, was given accordingly: Intramuscular   presentations of different ventral hernias were shown in Table 1.
            diclofenac 50 mg till resumption of oral intake. The clinical follow   The defect size of all hernias was less than or 60 mm to facilitate
            up of postoperative wounds were conducted with respection   the start of the learning curve with a mean of 39.31 ± 20.23 mm.
            of SSI, hematoma, and seroma. Other complications, such as   The intraoperative complications in both groups were recorded
            intestinal injury and internal bleeding, were looked for by clinical   in Table 1; minor bleeding from adhesolysis were noticed in both
            evaluation and follow-up ultrasound (US).          groups, six patients in a group show tearing of peritoneum,
               The recurrence of hernia was assessed by serial clinical   small intestine serosal tear occur in group II in two patients that
            evaluation in the inpatient ward and outpatient clinic. All patients   managed by vicryl suturing of the serosal tear, and retromuscular
            were advised to avoid heavy duties and lifting heavy weights for at   hematoma occurs in group II in two patients which were managed
            least 2 months, and then a gradual return to normal daily activity.   intraoperatively by aspiration and control of bleeder.
            Physical follow-up of the patient was performed once weekly   The operative time of laparoscopic repair in both techniques
            during the first month, then once/month. A follow-up duration   was shown in Table 1. There was a significant difference between
            for 12 months at least was conducted for all cases. Evaluation of   the two groups regarding the operative time. It was statistically
            postoperative complications was performed regarding SSI, seroma   very significant as p = 0.002*.
            formation, and hernia recurrence.                     The postoperative complications of the study population were
                                                               recorded in Table 2. Postoperative seroma, wound infection, and
            Statistical Analysis                               mesh infection were a little higher in group I than group II. The
            All of these data were collected in a special spreading datasheet   recurrence rates of hernia were reported in the two techniques. One
            then tabulated and coded. The data were fed to the computer and   case, only in group II, presented with postoperative fever and pain.
            analyzed using IBM SPSS software package version 26.0. Qualitative   With investigation, there was a mesh infection which was managed
            data were described using the number and percent. Quantitative   by mesh removal, then it was managed like the cases of recurrence
            data were described using median (minimum and maximum)   by open repair within 6–12 months postoperatively. No bowel injury
            and interquartile range for non-parametric data and mean, the   or vascular injury was noticed in the population of this study.
            standard deviation for parametric data after testing normality using   The 60 cases were given postoperatively one dose of analgesic
            Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The significance of the obtained results   in the form of intramuscular (IM) injection of non-steroidal anti-
            was judged at the 5% level.                        inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Moreover, 12 cases from group I and
                                                               16 cases from group II received extra doses of analgesics with no
                                                               important difference statistically (Table 3) between the 2 groups
            results                                            as concerning postoperative pain.
            Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) of IPOM technique was   Most of the periods of hospital stay did not exceed 48 hours
            performed in 24 patients having a mean age of 38.58 ± 7.40 years;   with few patients stayed in hospital for 72 hours (Table 3). The
            75% were females, while LVHR was done by TARM technique  repair   time of return to normal daily activity was shown in Table 3 with
            was performed in 36 patients having mean age of 38.22 ± 9.33   no significant difference statistically between the two groups
            years; 50% were females.                           regarding return to daily activity and hospital stay.
               In this study, both types of ventral hernia were included   As far the analysis of hospital cost of the case of each technique
            (1ry and incisional). Incisional hernia accounted for 25% of the   is concerned, it was found that higher hospital costs were observed
            patients in IPOM group (three patients postexploratory, two   in IPOM ($3,080) than the costs of TARM ($2,210) as shown in Table 4.

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