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Is Previous Abdominal or Pelvic Surgery a Risk Factor?
                                                               by Cochrane,  there were 11 procedure-related complications in
                                                               laparoscopic sterilization which was nil in our study. As per the
                                                               study in women with two or more cesarean-section laparoscopic
                                                               sterilization is safe and associated with low morbidity and can be
                                                               performed as permanent method of sterilization if extra care is
                                                               taken and is in part with study conducted by Ghoshal et al. 5

                                                               As in comparison with open tubal ligation, LTL would prevent
                                                               larger abdominal incisions, longer hospital stay, and has fewer
                                                               complications associated as noted by our study. Selection of cases,
                                                               preoperative preparation, adequate experience of operating
                                                               surgeon, proper functioning, maintenance of equipment, post-op
                                                               care, as well as follow-up has to be kept in mind while following
            Fig. 4: Peritubal adhesions                        camp approach to make the procedure more popular and safe in
                                                               developing countries like India. Team-based healthcare approach,
                                                               which includes district medical officer to identify lacunae in
                                                               the availability of service providers for regular laparoscopic-
                                                               sterilization procedures along with training of gynecologist,
                                                               OT staff, and anesthetists in female laparoscopic sterilization,
                                                               would largely achieve population stabilization and will promote
                                                               standards on sterilization services in ensuring the provision of
                                                               quality services.

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                                                                 3.  Szigetvari I, Feinman M, Barad D, et al. Association of previous
            Fig. 5: Comorbidities of associated population          abdominal surgery and significant adhesions in laparoscopic
                                                                    sterilization patients. J Reprod Med 1989;34(7): 465–466. PMID:
            dIscussIon                                           4.  Minilaparotomy or Laparoscopy for Sterilization: A Multicenter,
            Concurrent surgical evacuation with laparoscopic sterilization is   Multinational Randomized Study. World Health Organization, Task
            a simple, safe, and economic procedure for a group of patients   Force on Female Sterilization, Special Programme of Research,
            demanding combined abortion and immediate surgical sterilization   Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. Am J
                                                                    Obstet Gynecol 1982;143(6):645–652. PMID: 6211987.
            as in our study. As per the study by Szigetvari et al.,  23% of them     5.  Ghoshal AA, Agrawal SD, Sheth SS. Laparoscopic tubal sterilization
            had abdominal adhesions with previous abdominal surgery   after two or more cesarean sections. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc
            which is comparable with our study as it is 19.5%. As per a review   2003;10(2):169–171. DOI: 10.1016/s1074-3804(05)60293-9.

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