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Laparoscopic Management of Uncommon Presentations of Ectopic Pregnancy

            Figs 2A and B: Laparoscopic picture of cesarean scar pregnancy before
            and after surgery

            cAse 2: cesAreAn scAr PregnAncy
            A 32-year-old gravida 2 para 1 living 1 with previous CS 3 years   Fig. 3: Laparoscopic picture of cesarean scar pregnancy
            back with history of 1.5 month amenorrhea presented to a local
            hospital for termination of pregnancy. Since ultrasound report was
            intrauterine pregnancy of 7 weeks duration, she was prescribed
            drugs for medical abortion. As she did not have bleeding she was
            posted for D and C in the same hospital. Patient had excessive
            bleeding during the procedure and went into shock. She was
            stabilized with three units of PRBC and was referred to our hospital
            for further management. On admission, patient was stable
            and repeat ultrasound showed a hypo echoic mass measuring
            4.7 × 4 cm in the anterior wall in the subserosal and intramural
            location in the region of the isthmus. The lesion was surrounded
            by multiple vascular channels. Serum βHCG was 6700 U/L. She was
            posted for laparoscopy after making a diagnosis of cesarean scar
            pregnancy and taking informed consent. There was a 4 × 2 cm mass   Figs 4A and B: Laparoscopic picture of interstitial pregnancy: before
            in the isthmic region anteriorly (Fig. 3). Diluted vasopressin was   and after surgery
            injected near the lesion, UV fold of peritoneum opened, bladder
            pushed down, incision taken on the mass and contents aspirated.
            Rent was closed with barbed suture. HPE revealed products of

            cAse 3: InterstItIAl PregnAncy
            A 30-year-old gravida 3 para 1 living 1 abortion 1 with previous
            CS came with history of 2 months of amenorrhea. Ultrasound
            revealed empty uterine cavity with pregnancy of 7 weeks seen
            to the periphery of the uterus on the right side, with an endo-
            myometrial mantle measuring around 4 mm suggestive of
            interstitial pregnancy. On laparoscopy, right-sided interstitial
            pregnancy measuring 4 × 5 cm was noted (Fig. 4). Dilute vasopressin
            was injected into the myometrium adjacent to the ectopic, incision
            taken on the mass, and contents were aspirated. Incision was closed
            with barbed suture. HPE revealed products of conception.

            cAse 4: rudImentAry Horn PregnAncy
            A 36-year-old gravida 2 para 1 living 1 with previous LSCS with
            2.5  months of amenorrhea presented to our hospital with
            ultrasound showing rudimentary horn pregnancy with twin
            pregnancy, one corresponding to 11 weeks gestation and another
            one being blighted ovum. On laparoscopy, rudimentary horn
            pregnancy was noted on the right side with right fallopian tube
            and ovary attached to the rudimentary horn (Fig. 5). Excision of the
            same was done with harmonic after injection of dilute vasopressin
            into the myometrium near the attachment of the rudimentary horn   Figs 5A and B: Rudimentary horn pregnancy

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