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Single-port vs Traditional Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
               SPLC can be done safely with standard straight laparoscopic   improvements in instrumental technology may guide minimizing
            instruments. In our study 10 patients out of 40 were operated by   of the operative times further. 41,43,44
            the standard laparoscopic instruments and all were completed   Another issue that must be understood with SILS is cross-
            successfully. According to Cantore et al.’s study of 20 candidates   handedness. Early in our current study, we struggled with hand
            (16 women, 4 men) of SILC, 4 (20%) had had previous abdominal   placement outside the abdomen as the sphere of space that the
            surgery (appendectomy in all patients). Traditional straight   external components of the instrumentation and the surgeons’
            laparoscopic instruments were used. All patients were successfully   hands inhabit is decidedly smaller. 45,46
            operated without additional skin slits. This study concluded that   In general aspects, case results and safety from any operative
            SILC with traditional straight laparoscopic instruments is feasible   technique may be affected by three various, but equally significant,
            and safe. 40                                       items: the patients’ health (or disease); surgeons (expertise,
               In recent years, SILS and NOTES have received attention for   training, and his/her surgical team); and technology used.  In
            both clinical and industrial aspects. The key advantages in favor   our current research, simple cases with straightforward diseases
            of these two techniques are the esthetic outcome, fast recovery of   are the most proper cases for this procedure. Thus, one might
            patients, and reduced need for analgesia. 18–20  SILS is considered   think that patients who are morbidly obese, those with previous
            superior to other NOTES because it does not involve manipulation   abdominal surgeries (especially ventral hernia repairs with mesh),
            of instruments through internal hollow organs such as the stomach   very tall candidates, or cases with multiple comorbidities may be
            or vagina. 31,32,37                                excluded (at least at an early time of experience with an operator’s
               In our present research, the mean operative time in the   single-port use).
            first group as a new procedure was 95.75 minutes, which was   In general, all periprocedural complications linked to
            significantly higher than in the MPLC group (42.10 minutes).   laparoscopy will also be potential concerns in SILS. At present, most
            According to one research, which was carried out on 60 patients   clinical research studies have not reported a higher complication
            divided into two equal groups of 30 candidates each, Group I was   rate, or more serious entities of complications, after SILS. In fact,
            offered MPLC and in Group II, SILC was done. Length of stay, pain   the available experience has revealed the same results with SILS as
            score, operative time, and wound infection rates were compared   compared to conventional laparoscopic approach, with the addition
            between the two groups. Operative times in Group I and Group II   of many of its proposed and unique benefits, such as improved
            were 38.50 ± 8.92 minutes and 80.17 ± 30.16 minutes, respectively.    esthetic outcomes from virtually hidden scars. 45,46
            p value was 0.0001, which indicates an important difference   There may be a subset of potential complications, which may
            between the two groups. 41                         prove to be more common with SILS as compared with other
               As the number of cases undergoing SPLC increased, there was   traditional procedures. Of particular concern is that electrical
            an important reduction in the operative time with improvement   injuries could be more prone to occur, at least in theory. These
            of the learning curve. In our current study, operative time after first   may occur as a result of the near proximity of laparoscopic
            20 SPLC techniques showed a significant reduction. This correlates   instruments, with close contact, to each other. However, it did
            with the recorded “learning curve” in other research studies.    not occur in our study. 46
               In one study, the postoperative incidence of port-site incisional
            hernia in the 1st group was higher postoperatively (2 cases out
            of 20). An issue that many operators expressed about SILS is the   conclusIon
            probability of a high occurrence of port-site incisional umbilical   SILS allowed for better cosmesis, less pain and faster recovery, less
            hernias postoperatively. The concern behind this query was that   wound infections, ease of tissue retrieval, combination procedure,
            SILS requires a bigger fascial incision (20–30 mm) to accept a   and patient acceptance. Standard instruments can be used, and
            multichannel port device. So careful closure of the fascial defect   natural orifices need not be violated. SPLC can be done safely with
            and postoperative instructions to avoid heavy work and exercises   standard straight laparoscopic instruments. With improvement of
            within the first three months post-operatively are obligatory. 24,39,42  the learning curve of the technique, operative times have been
               In our study, the instrumental cost of the SPLC using a   minimized significantly.
            commercial port and curved instruments was significantly higher
            than the cost for MPLC. According to a previous experience, two   orcId
            consecutive series of cases with SILC were assessed and revealed
            that the instrumental cost of SILC using a commercial port was   Selmy Mohamed Awad
            significantly higher (median $1123) than the cost for MPLC (median
            $441, p = 0005).  SPLC has secondary advantages including   references
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