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Laparoscopic TEP Using 3D Mesh to Treat Bilateral Inguinal Hernia
                       Table 3: Pain degree after surgery
                                                              Pain degree
                                     Slight pain  Mild pain  Moderate pain  Severe pain  VAS score
                        After surgery  n (%)      n (%)        n (%)        n (%)     Mean (SD)
                        1st day (T )  0 (0.0%)    5 (10.0%)  42 (84.0%)   3 (6.0%)    5.1 ± 0.7
                        2nd day (T )    6 (12.0%)  42 (84.0%)  2 (4.0%)   0 (0.0%)    3.0 ± 0.8
                        3rd day (T )  47 (94.0%)  2 (4.0%)    1 (2.0%)    0 (0.0%)    0.9 ± 0.7
                        p value (T –T 2)                 <0.01                         <0.01
                        p value (T –T 3)                 <0.01                         <0.01
                        Table 4: Early postoperative complications
                         Early postoperative Complications     Frequency (n = 50)  Percentage (%)
                         Hematoma in groin-scrotal region            2            4.0%
                         Wound infection                             1            2.0%
                         Numbness in the outer thighs                1            2.0%
                         Urinary retention and numbness in the outer thighs  1    2.0%

               Table 5: Short- and long-term surgical outcomes
                         After surgery (n = 50)  After 1 month (n = 47) After 6 months (n = 39) After 12 months (n = 30) After 24 months (n = 17)
               Outcome    n        %       n        %      n       %        n         %       n         %
               Good      44       88.0     46      97.9   39      100.0     30       100.0    17       100.0
               Fair       6       10.0     1         1.8   0         0.0    0           0.0   0           0.0
               Moderate   0         0.0    0         0.0   0         0.0    0           0.0   0           0.0
               Poor       0         0.0    0         0.0   0         0.0    0           0.0   0           0.0

            For patients with large herniated hole, weak inguinal muscles or   author suggested that the mesh fixation in TEP surgery with a
            in elderly patients with comorbidities that frequently increased   3D mesh did not increase the complication and recurrence rates
            abdominal pressure, we actively used a large mesh (10.8 × 16.0 cm)   compared with the group without mesh fixation.  According to
            for each side of the herniation to cover myopectineal orifice   Krishna et al., the two-point protack fixation can be performed in
            and that the upper and lower margins of the mesh were at least   elderly patients with large herniation, weak abdominal wall muscle,
            2.5–3 cm from the herniation hole. One of the advantages of the   and based on the operator’s decision. 6
            3D mesh is the flexible structure and shape with the anatomical   All of our patients were successfully treated with TEP
            structure of the groin area. Thus, when placing the 3D mesh into the   laparoscopic surgery using 3D mesh, with no additional trocar
            peritoneal cavity, the 3D mesh automatically attaches itself to the   or switching to surgery. The percentage of switching surgical
            posterior wall structures of the groin, thereby covering the entire   methods when performing TEP laparoscopic surgery to treat
            myopectineal orifice. Therefore, in most of our cases, we did not   bilateral inguinal hernia in Gass et al.’s study was 1.1%.  Krishna’s
            need to fix the mesh. Only one case had to sew the mesh tension   study had a total of 81 patients who had to change the surgical
            through endoscopy with Vicyl 3/0 sutures because the mesh was   method (TAPP or open surgery).  The average total surgical time in
            folded when placed in the peritoneal cavity.       this study was 75.2 ± 11.0 minutes (range 60–100 minutes) and the
               In literature, whether mesh fixation (with protacks or sutures)   average mesh insertion and fixation time was 21.9 ± 4.3 minutes.
            is necessary or not is controversial. While some authors considered   The time of 3D mesh insertion surgery for bilateral inguinal hernia
            mesh fixation to be necessary to reduce the risk of mesh slipping,   treatment in Krishna’s study was 77.9 ± 26.2  and 60.3 minutes
            which helped to reduce recurrence rates, other authors argued   in Kockerling et  al.‘s study.  Our study had nice cases of
            that fixing was not necessary as there was no difference in the   complications during surgery (14%), which was higher than some
            recurrence rate.  In addition, mesh fixation might increase the risk   previous studies. According to Gass et al., the complications rate
            of nerve damage caused by the use of protack and increase surgical   in TEP laparoscopic surgery for bilateral inguinal hernia was 3.1%.
            costs.  In a study of Acar et al. on 178 patients (98 patients had right   The rate in the study of Kockerling et al. was 1.45%.  Krishna
            inguinal hernias, 72 patients had left inguinal hernias, and 8 patients   et al. showed that 4.3% of patients had complications in surgery,
            had bilateral inguinal hernias), patients were treated with TEP   such as damage to the lower epigastric artery during peritoneal
            laparoscopic surgery using 3D mesh (Bard 3D Max) with an average   cavity surgery. 6
            follow-up period of 45 months. Results showed that there was no   Most authors emphasize the advantages of using non-fixed
            difference in the rates of complications (both short- and long-term)    3D mesh in TEP laparoscopic surgery for bilateral inguinal hernia,
            between the two groups, with and without mesh fixation. The   thereby reducing the risk of nerve damage and relieving pain

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)  199
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