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Intraoperative Predictors of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
            criteria were preoperatively proven GB malignancy, refractory   characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to estimate the cutoff value
            coagulopathy pulmonary disease, end-stage liver disease, and any   for the scoring system.
            corticobasal degeneration pathology.
            Sampling                                           results
            We decided to include all the eligible cases fulfilling the study   We enrolled 200 patients in our study, out of which 85 patients had
            criteria by undergoing LC under a single surgeon unit for the   difficult LC. The majority of the participants were females (n = 148),
            study. A single surgeon unit criterion was selected to prevent   while the mean age of all the participants was 40.95 ± 11.08 years.
            intraobserver bias. Surgeons with experience of more than 50   Most of the patients were presented with chronic cholecystitis.
            LCs did all the surgeries in this study. For the selection of cases,   The detail of study participants has been given in the previous
            consecutive sampling was done. During the study period, a total   publication.  Association of various predictors was analyzed by
            of 200 patients undergoing LC who met the study criteria were   binary logistic regression analysis, and their adjusted odds ratios
            selected for the study.                            were measured as shown in Table 1.
                                                                  The proposed score for predicting difficult cholecystectomy
            Definitions                                        during intraoperative surgery is given in Table 2. As seen in the
            Difficult cholecystectomy was defined in this study as   ROC curve (Figs 1 and 2), a score of 6 was selected as the best cutoff
                                                               point compromise between maximum sensitivity and specificity.
            •  A total duration of more than 70 minutes for LC from the   A cutoff point at 6 has a sensitivity of 87.1% and a specificity of 88.7%
              insertion of Veress needle till the extraction of GB  (Fig. 2). We also performed internal consistency of the proposed
            •  Requiring more than 20 minutes to dissect the Calot’s triangle  scores by using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, which was 0.71, which
            •  Requiring more than 20 minutes to dissect the GB from the liver   is considered adequate for an attitudinal scale. 10
            •  Conversion to open cholecystectomy
            Study Procedure                                    The present study was done to design a scoring system predicting
            After the approval by Institutional Ethics and Research Advisory   difficult outcomes during intraoperative LC. This scoring system
            Committee, JN Medical College, Aligarh, enrollment was started.   would help in identifying high-risk patients who may have difficulty
            The patients fulfilling the selection criteria were explained about   during LC and thus in preventing complications beforehand. The
            the study, and those who gave informed consent were selected.   present study assessed various operative factors for LC and found
            The selected patients who were fit for the laparoscopic surgery   GB condition; GB adhesion, intra-abdominal adhesion, presence
            after preanesthetic checkup were planned for the surgery. During   of pericholecystic fluid, Calot’s triangle status, and cystic duct
            the LC, the following things were taken into notice:  and vessels abnormality were predicting difficult LC. On basis of
                                                               these variables, we devise a grading system to evaluate difficulty
            •  Abdominal wall scar mark                        during LC.
            •  Creation of the pneumoperitoneum                   Our study was supported by various studies that also found
            •  GB condition                                    that significant factors like intra-abdominal adhesion, inflamed GB,
            •  Separation of all adhesions                     frozen Calot’s triangle, as well as abnormal anatomy of vessels and
            •  Liver condition                                 cystic duct were predicting difficult LC, although not with others
            •  Skeletonization, ligation, and division of cystic artery and cystic   who also observed obesity and previous abdominal scar mark as
              duct                                             predictors. 3,6,11–15  Lal et al. suggest that a difficult LC is one which
            •  Excision of GB from the GB fossa of the liver bed  takes more than 90 minutes for completion and tearing the GB,
            •  Extraction of GB.                               takes more than 20 minutes in dissecting the GB adhesions, or takes
               Overlapping of these intraoperative difficulties was recorded.   more than 20 minutes in dissecting the Calot’s triangle.  While the
            The total duration of the surgery from the insertion of the Veress   time taken for Calot’s triangle dissection varies based on surgical
            needle into the closure of the port site as well as the time for Calot’s   skills and the level of experience, it is usually longer in patients
            triangle dissection was noted by stopwatch.        with difficult access, inflammation, and adhesions.  In this study,
                                                               we considered that difficult LC takes 70 minutes in completion
            Data Management and Statistics                     and 20 minutes each in the dissection of GB from the liver bed and
            The data were entered and analyzed in Statistical Package for   Calot’s triangle.
            Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Statistical significance was   There is limited success in formulating an intraoperative scoring
            tested first by binary logistic regression analysis, and then,   system in LC. One developed by Vivek et al. is complex having 22
            multiple logistic regression analysis was calculated to find out   parameters including four intraoperative LCs, thus not easy to use.
            adjusted odds ratio. The odds ratios express how many times a   Their scoring system had a maximum score of 44, and a score of
            preoperative variable is likely to be found in the difficulty group   9 was predicted as difficult LC with sensitivity and specificity of
            as compared to the easy group. As adjusted odds ratio had a   85 and 97.8%, respectively. Our scoring system has a sensitivity of
            wide range, to avoid the same for the proposed score, adjusted   87.1% and a specificity of 88.7%, with an area under the ROC curve
            odds ratios were divided by ten and rounded off to the nearest   as 0.953. Another scale proposed by Randhawa et al. was validated
            numerical. The proposed scoring system was tested on the original   in Indian settings by Gupta et al., which graded difficult LC from
            intraoperative data of the study subjects. The individual score of   0 (easy) to 15 (very difficult). 15,16  Although their scale is easier, but
            each patient was calculated. The sensitivity and specificity of the   only a few operative features like thickened (≥4 mm) GB wall and
            proposed scoring system were computed, and receiver operating   impacted stone are given importance.  Sugrue et al. conducted

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 2 (May–August 2021)  115
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