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Sonographic Imaging and Anterior Abdominal Wall Hernias
                           Table 2: Types of hernia description and sonographic report among study population
                                                                Sonographic report
                            Hernia types  Frequency  Normal  Cholelithiasis  Abdominal mass  p
                            Umbilical hernia   N  58  44     8              6            >0.001
                                          %    64.4  75.8   13.8           10.34
                            Epigastric hernia  N  20  13     4              3              0.035
                                          %    22.2  65     20             15
                            Ventral hernia  N  10    2       2              6              0.202
                                          %    11.1  20     20             60
                            Spigelian hernia   N  2  2        —              —             —
                                          %     2.2  100      —              —
                           p, using Chi-square test

            all the patients, the results about gender prevalence showed higher   hernia, 39 patients (50%) had metabolic syndrome, and eight
            prevalence in women compared to the previous studies (with a 6:1   patients (10.2%) had both umbilical hernia and metabolic syndrome.
            ratio). Epigastric hernias are prevalently detected in elderly men than in   This study again emphasized the role of metabolic syndrome as
            women with a 3:1 ratio; however, our research showed different results   a risk factor for gallstone formation. At the same time, the study
            regarding epigastric hernia. In our population, the epigastric hernia   results showed that the prevalence of umbilical hernia is higher in
            was 1.5 times more prevalent in women. Ventral hernias occur after   cholelithiasis patients. The last two studies predicted the common
            abdominal incisions, and small incisions are preventing factors of this   risk factors of umbilical hernia and cholelithiasis, and our results were
            hernia type. Risk factors for a ventral hernia include age, malnutrition,   similar to them so that there was the coexistence of cholelithiasis
            ascites, diabetes, obesity, smoking, long-term corticosteroid use, sepsis   among 13.8% of umbilical hernia patients. 8,9
            after surgery, wound infections, and emergency surgeries. 1
               Nevertheless, our study showed different results; if technical   conclusIon
            mistakes or the risks as mentioned above are absent, there is an   Emphasizing the results of our study, the probable coexistence
            80% association between ventral hernias and intra-abdominal   of surgically treatable intra-abdominal disease with the same
            surgically treatable diseases. Spigelian hernia is observed near the   symptoms is not negligible in the patients with anterior abdominal
            arcuate line exactly lateral to rectus abdominis muscle. Because of   wall hernias. Therefore, it is recommended to perform total
            its complex regional anatomy, the diagnosis of Spigelian hernia is   abdominopelvic sonographic examination on patients with these
            accompanied by challenges. In our study, only 2.2% of the population   hernias before their herniorrhaphies.
            had Spigelian hernia, confirming the challenging diagnosis of this
            type of hernia according to texts. Another aspect of our research
            was related to the coexistence of intra-abdominal surgically treatable   AcknowledgMents
            diseases. As a prevalent intra-abdominal disease, cholelithiasis has   All members of the surgery department in the Urmia University of
            common risk factors with anterior abdominal wall hernias. There   Medical Sciences were cordially available to answer our questions.
            are two main pathophysiologic factors for anterior abdominal wall   We would also like to thank the experts from other universities
            hernias: First, any factor elevating intra-abdominal pressure such as   who were involved in the validation of the survey for this research.
            obesity, pregnancy, ascites, bowel obstruction, and intra-peritoneal
            dialysis; and second, structural and functional weakness of anterior   references
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