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LHP vs Milligan and Morgan Hemorrhoidectomy
            and length of stay and facilitate the timely return of the patient   The common postoperative complications in laser surgeries
            to daily activities and, thus, enhance the quality of life for the   include delayed bleeding, presence of urinary retention, painful
            patients after surgery. Since the complications of such surgeries   defecation, fistula, acute infection fissure, anal stenosis, fecal
            might be quite destructive and cause severe bleeding, using these   incontinence, and postoperative thrombosis. None of mentioned
            techniques requires high proficiency and training. While selecting   complications were observed in any of our patients within 6 months
            the surgical procedure, the skills and experiences of the surgeon   after surgery. Many studies support our findings. Sowula reports no
            need to be taken into account, so that the results of the surgery   cases of postoperative bleeding during the follow-up. He states that
            could be satisfactory and healthful.  In addition, the most common   the patients who were treated with laser therapy had a much more
            problem among patients after the surgery of hemorrhoidectomy   facilitated postoperative period and that the complications of these
            is the acute pain during the first and second days after surgery. It   methods were very rare.  Also Leff claimed that wound healing was
            is likely for the pain to trouble the patient for some days and this   observed in all cases, and it was inferred that hemorrhoidectomy
            can be a matter of concern for the patient. 6      with lasers did not promote any adverse effects of surgery on the
               Pain is a major cause that puts off patients from undergoing a   patients.  In another experiment performed by Zahir on 50 patients
            hemorrhoidectomy. Beside the fact that pain itself is annoying, it is   treated by laser therapy, pain alleviation was reported to be up to
            likely to cause certain problems such as urinary retention and fecal   65%.  On the contrary, the result of some RCTs demonstrated the
            compaction. On the other hand, because postoperative pain is a   lower frequency of well treated by laser. As an example, in the study
            very common side effect of hemorrhoidectomy, not many patients   by Arbman, 86% of the hemorrhoidectomy patients who were treated
            consider it as a surgical complication, but they see it as a predictable   with lasers had complete healing of their wounds within a follow-up
            consequence of the surgery. 7,8                    of 3 weeks and no one developed symptoms of any sorts of infection.
               We evaluated the postoperative pain in two time points which   Of those patients who had a surgery with Milligan and Morgan
            were immediately and 6 months after surgery based on VAS. The mean   method, only 18% had complete healing of wounds and symptoms
            VAS score in patients who were treated with laser was 0.22 and 0.17   of delayed improvement were detected in several cases. One of
            after surgery and in the 6 months follow-up, respectively. Moreover,   their patients had a minor wound infection, and even after 1 year,
            these differences were not considered statistically significant.  more than 10% of the hemorrhoid patients still showed symptoms
               Similar to our result, Arbman et al. claimed no significant   of the disease.  In addition, Plapler counts a number of side effects
            differences between the two groups in terms of VAS.  Also in the   for laser-based therapy. For instance, burning lesions and residual
            study by Walf isch, no differences with regard to postoperative   plicoma (skin tag) were detected in five patients under treatment
            pain were observed between the laser-based method and   with lasers due to the impairment of the laser system. However, even
            hemorrhoidectomy or any other nonlaser methods.  In another   in this study practical and complete improvements were reported
            experiment by Zahir on 50 patients treated with laser-based   within a short period compared to hemorrhoidectomy. 14
            techniques, the pain alleviation frequency was reported to be as   In the present study, redoing the operation was not required
            much as up to 65% compared to the control group.  However, in   in any of patients in either group during the 6-month follow-up.
            the study by Sankar, postoperative pain was significantly lower than   Moreover, there was no recurrence of the disease during the
            that of other surgical procedures such as open surgery.  In another   6 months and a complete remission was observed in all cases.
            study by Masson, hemorrhoidectomy with lasers is known to cause   However, Skobelkin pointed out that the recurrence was two times
            less postoperative pain compared to other surgical methods such   more in open surgery of Milligan and Morgan. 18
            as open hemorrhoidectomy.  Besides in the study by Plapler,   Clearly, those patients in the laser group had an easier recovery.
            the mean pain severity has been reported as 1.13 (of 10) that was   Similar to our study, in the study by Sankar, postoperative recovery
            significantly lower than that in the control group who underwent   period was significantly lower than other surgical procedures such
            Milligan and Morgan method or cold scalpel method. 14  as open surgery. 12
               In our study, the length of hospitalization after surgery in the
            patients was 1.70 ± 0.65 days for the surgery group and 1.5 ± 0.55  conclusIon
            for the laser group, and the two groups were not significantly   Hemorrhoidectomy through laser-based methods does not
            different in terms of the time they were hospitalized. Nonetheless,   aggrandize the side effects of surgery in the patients. Furthermore,
            in the study by Sankar, the lower length of hospitalization in the   due to the ease of implementation and not imposing any additional
            laser group was significant.  Also in the study by Masson, it was   risks to the patient at the time of performing and because of the
            concluded that hemorrhoidectomy patients treated with laser-  possibility of performing it as outpatient surgery, these methods
            based methods had none or minimal need for hospitalization and   can be greatly beneficial and practical. They can be an alternative
            lower costs, and they made a faster return to daily tasks. 13  to the usual hemorrhoidectomy. Lasers are effective and safe in
               Our finding revealed that the quality of life in the LHP group   case of anal lesions and are comparable with other conventional
            in terms of both physical and MCS was relatively better (p < 0.05).   methods of surgery. Effective methods with lasers, along with other
            These results were similar to other studies. 5,15  Erdoğdu et al. also   available treatments, could expand new horizons in the treatment
            evaluated the quality of life after stapler hemorrhoidectomy   of anorectal diseases like hemorrhoidectomy. Nonetheless, further
            by using SF-36 questionnaire. They demonstrated that physical   studies in this field are to be done. 19
            health (physical functioning, physical role restriction, and bodily
            pain) scores significantly improved after surgery.  Bouchard   coMplIAnce wIth ethIcAl stAndArds

            et al. in a multicenter trial followed patients who underwent

            hemorrhoidectomy for 1 year and reported that all physical and   Informed Consent
            mental domains of quality of life significantly improved, and 88%   Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants
            of patients were satisfied or very satisfied by the surgery. 15–18  included in the study.
             62   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 2 (May–August 2019)
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