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Appendicular Stump Closure by Polymer Clip vs Endoloop in Laparoscopic Appendectomy
            then sutures were removed on the seventh postoperative day in   two cases due to improper closure of appendicular stump. These
            the follow-up.                                     extra used polymer clips and endoloops were counted as wasted
               Patients had come for follow-up in the outpatient department   polymer clip or endoloop.
            after 1 week, 2 weeks, and 1 month of surgery. Ultrasonography was   In the surgery of 21 patients, time taken for appendicular
            done 1 month after surgery in all cases. In follow-up, the patient   stump closure was between 10 minutes and 15 minutes and for 14
            was clinically examined for complications, such as wound discharge,   patients, it was between 15 minutes and 20 minutes in polymer clip
            swelling over the local site, tenderness on the abdomen, and fever.  group. In the surgery of 12 patients, the time taken for appendicular
                                                               stump closure was between 10 minutes and 15 minutes, and for 23
            Statistical Analysis                               patients it was between 15 minutes and 20 minutes in endoloop
            Data analysis was performed using MedCalc version 17.9.5 software.   group. Surgeon had given opinion regarding the ease of application
            Categorical variables were analyzed with the Chi-squared test   as excellent in 21 patients of polymer clip group and 12 patients
            and continuous variables were analyzed with “t” test. Values were   of endoloop group.
            reported as mean ± standard deviation or median (extremes) or   The surgeon had given opinion regarding the ease of
            percentages as and when required. p value of less than 0.05 was   application as good in 14 patients of polymer clip group and
            considered significant.                            23 patients of endoloop group (Table 2). None of the operating
                                                               surgeons given a poor opinion for endoloop group or polymer
            results                                            clip group. This measurement (ease of application) is statistically
            A total of 70 patients with laparoscopic appendectomy were   significant in our study (p value is 0.032, Table 2).
            included in this study. Adequacy of randomization was evident   Three patients were discharged on the fifth postoperative day
            from the similarity in patient characteristics in both the groups   in the polymer clip group, and 32 patients were discharged on
            (Table 1). No protocol violations were recorded during the study.  the third postoperative day. Three patients were discharged on
               One extra endoloop was used in four cases due to improper   the fifth postoperative day, two patients were discharged on the
            closure of appendicular stump. One extra polymer clip was used in   seventh postoperative day, and 30 patients were discharged on
                                                               the third postoperative day in endoloop group (Table 3). It is not
                                                               statistically significant in our study (p value 0.144, Table 3).
                                                                  In three cases of endoloop group, there was a serous discharge
                                                               present from the wound after the first dressing. The daily dressing
                                                               was done with proper asepsis in all three cases. Culture and
                                                               sensitivity for wound discharge sent and according to per the
                                                               sensitivity antibiotics were started. The total count was sent but
                                                               in all three cases it was below 11,000 mm . In this study, patients
                                                               having wound discharge and fever in polymer clips and endoloop
                                                               groups were compared, and it was not statistically significant
                                                               (p value 0.45, Table 4).

                                                                Table 2: Ease of application in polymer group and endoloop group
                                                                Ease of    Polymer group   Endoloop group
                                                                application  (number of patients)  (number of patients)  p value
                                                                Poor       0               0               –
                                                                Good      14              23               0.032
            Fig. 3: Endoloop                                    Excellent  21             12               0.032

            Table 1: Comparison of present study, study done by Polat and Kinaci   Table 3: Correlation of present study, study done by Polat and Kinaci
            and study done by Osman for sex-wise distribution of patients  and study done by Şimşek for hospital stay
                           Polymer clip group  Endoloop group                   Polymer clip   Endoloop group
            Different studies  Male  Female  Male  Female  Total  Different studies  group (in days)  (in days)  p value
            In present study  20  15      24    11       70     In present study  3.1 ± 0.56  3.4 ± 1.06   0.144
            Polat and Kinaci  23  25      20    24       92     Polat and Kinaci  1.1 ± 0.6  1.4 ± 0.9     0.061
            Şimşek         18    12       16    14       60     Şimşek          2.2 ± 1.3    1.97 ± 1.4   >0.05
            Table 4: Correlation of present study, study done by Polat and Kinaci and study done by Şimşek for postoperative complications
                                       Polymer clip group                       Endoloop group
                          Wound infection                         Wound infection
                          (number of     Fever (number of         (number of    Fever (number of
            Different studies  patients)  patients)    Total patients  patients)  patients)   Total patients  p value
            In present study  0          3             35         3             2             35           0.45
            Polat and Kinaci  1          1             48         4             6             44           0.051
            Şimşek        0              0             30         0             0             30          >0.05

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