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Endoscopic Ectopic Thyroidectomy
                                                               and then thyroid scintigraphy was performed for confirmation of
                                                               our diagnosis. All the surgeries performed for lateral ectopic thyroid
                                                               so far has been by open method. We performed an endoscopic-
                                                               assisted total thyroidectomy which has not been reported in
                                                               literature so far. Endoscopic approach for removal of the diseased
                                                               thyroid gland will give a magnified view of the adjoining structures
                                                               and better cosmesis for the patient.
                                                               Lateral ectopic thyroid tissue is a very rare condition of which most
                                                               common site is in submandibular location. Endoscopic approach
                                                               for removal of the diseased ectopic gland has not been reported
            Fig. 2: Ectopic thyroid in relation with surrounding structures  earlier. The procedure is very safe and gives a much better cosmetic
            small skin incision in the submandibular region and the specimen
            was removed in toto (Fig. 2). This helped in significantly minimizing  references
            the scar in cervical region.                         1.  Zieren J, Paul M, Scharfenberg M, et al. Submandibular ectopic
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            thyroid tissue. In our case, we performed USG followed by FNAC   10.1155/2015/769604.

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