Page 43 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Innovative Technique to Control the COVID‑19 Transmission by Surgical Fume
There are several reports where the virus, e.g., hepatitis B virus societies and experts and few already available devices to reduce
(HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), bovine papillomavirus, fume leak. Still, there is a suggestion or solution to contain the
and human papillomavirus (HPV) harvest from surgical plume fume/CO which is already out from the abdominal cavity. Here,
generated by energy sources. Most of the published reports on the we conceptualized a technique to contain the leaked CO /aerosol
risk of transmission seen in vitro analyzes. There are reports of HPV and its safe discharge. This concept further needs addition and
transmission during the treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis. improvement could provide all advantages of laparoscopic surgery
Although there was no biological activity or transmission potential in a safe and fearless environment.
seen in obtained viral DNA. Although there are reports of viable
HIV that have been harvested in cell culture; however, the potential clinicAl significAnce
risk of contamination by fume could not able to prove, and there COVID-19 pandemic came with a theoretical risk of surgical fume
are not enough data available which able advice to differing the causing disease transmission. However, no reports mentioned that
laparoscopic surgery or its replacement by open surgery. 7 surgical fume could transmit the infection, yet we could not deny
Although there are reports which suggested the presence its existence till we find any further evidence basis. In this article,
of virus DNA in the laparoscopic plume; however, no study was we have suggested an innovative technique to contain the surgical
able to prove their potential risk for transmission of viral. Several fume in an intermediate balloon and its proper discharge. We hope
international and national surgical societies have suggested that our concept and technique would able to control surgical fume
strategies and recommendations minimize the risk of transmission. and provide a fearless and safe environment for the operative team.
According to the Royal College of Surgeons, laparoscopy
should only be considered in select individual cases. The Society of declArAtion of PAtient consent
American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeon (SAGES) states
that in the recent pandemic, the use of filters for the released CO We have obtained consent from patients or close kin for the images
during laparoscopy and robotic surgery should consider avoiding and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. They
the COVID-19 transmission. There are many suggestions by experts understand that the names and initials will not be published and
and adopted strategies from surgical societies to decrease the risk due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity
of viral transmission. Most important is to avoid the traditional cannot be guaranteed.
practice of opening port outlet stopcock at the time of fogging of a
camera lens and uncontrolled deflation of the abdomen at the end Acknowledgment
of laparoscopic procedures. This entire maneuver should control We wish to thank Prof VK Kapoor, Professor and Unit Head of
and under the vision to avoid diffusion of surgical fume in the the Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi
operation theater. Better to avoid the practice to reuse laparoscopic Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science, Lucknow, India, for
ports with a tear or damaged one-way valves during procedures. guiding us and for his moral support and motivation for us.
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142 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)