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            Antenatally Diagnosed Ovarian Cysts with Torsion Managed


            Sujitha Sivarajan , Rajineesh K Mishra , Jatinder Singh Chowhan 3
             Aim and objective: To study the various types of laparoscopic management of antenatal ovarian torsion, their advantages, disadvantages, and
             its outcome in pregnancy.
             Background: Ovarian torsion in pregnancy occurs at a rate of about 1 in 5,000 cases. It is a life-threatening condition if not attended to and
             intervened promptly. Recent years have seen the advent of laparoscopy as a preferred means of management for ovarian torsion in pregnancy.
             This review article analyzes a series of articles over a span of 5 years from 2014 to 2018 on laparoscopic management of ovarian torsion in
             pregnancy and its outcome.
             Results: Various procedures like ovarian detorsion, cystectomy, ovarian cyst puncture, ovariopexy, shortening of the utero-ovarian ligament,
             and oophorectomy are performed by expert hands. While advantages include quick recovery and early discharge from hospital, disadvantages
             are a long learning curve and increased need for training. This has led to many uneventful pregnancies with term live births.
             Conclusion: Each type of laparoscopic management for antenatal ovarian torsion has its pros and cons. Nevertheless, the outcome of the
             pregnancy has been excellent in the majority of the laparoscopically managed cases.
             Clinical significance: Laparoscopic management of antenatal ovarian torsion has reduced intraoperative blood loss, improved postoperative
             pain, and led to a quick recovery, early discharge from hospital, and return to daily activities. Clinicians need to be adequately trained to be
             competent in performing various laparoscopic surgeries.
             Keywords: Antenatal ovarian torsion, Laparoscopic ovarian detorsion, Utero-ovarian ligament.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2020): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1417

            bAckground                                         1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vijaya Hospital, Chennai,

            Ovarian torsion is a common gynecological emergency. It is found to   Tamil Nadu, India
            be the fifth most common gynecological surgical emergency.  This   2,3 Department of Minimal Access Surgery, World Laparoscopy Hospital,
            involves the twisting of the ovary in its pedicle, leading to ovarian   New Delhi, India
            infarction if it is not unwounded in time. Prompt identification and   Corresponding Author: Sujitha Sivarajan, Department of Obstetrics
            intervention are crucial in the management of ovarian torsion.   and Gynaecology, Vijaya Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Phone:
            Nevertheless, the clinical presentation can present as a diagnostic   +91 9600563014, e-mail:
            challenge for clinicians. Studies have shown 23–66% of cases were   How to cite this article: Sivarajan S, Mishra RK, Chowhan JS. Antenatally
            given accurate presurgical diagnosis.  Transvaginal ultrasound is   Diagnosed  Ovarian Cysts with  Torsion  Managed Laparoscopically.
            the most widely used imaging modality to confirm clinical findings   World J Lap Surg 2020;13(3):133–135.
            though it can be inconclusive at times.  Laparoscopy has enhanced   Source of support: Nil

            the efficacy of management of ovarian torsion in pregnancy with   Conflict of interest: None
            advantages like less pain, speedy recovery, and shorter hospital
            stays  with an uneventful pregnancy.
                                                                  Management of ovarian torsion during pregnancy aims
            results                                            at saving not only the ovary but also the current and future
                                                               pregnancies. Early intervention helps to possibly retain blood
            This review article analyzes a few articles related to laparoscopic   supply to the ovary and thereby avoiding oophorectomy due to
            management of ovarian torsion in pregnancy over 5 years between   gangrenous changes. Unwinding the torted utero-ovarian ligament
            2014 and 2018 to study its efficacy and its outcome in pregnancy. It   re-establishes the blood supply. Oelsner et al.  did a retrospective
            includes retrospective case–control study, single-center study, and   analysis of 102 patients managed with surgical interventions for
            case reports that were selected manually from PubMed online. The   adnexal torsion. They reported that 91.3% of patients with bluish-
            results of the analysis of the selected articles are explained below   black ovary regained normal function following detorsion. None
            with regards to various laparoscopic techniques in the management   of the patients developed pelvic or systemic thromboembolism
            of ovarian torsion which ranges from ovarian detorsion, cystectomy,   which is a risk presumed to occur following detorsion of the adnexa.
            ovarian cyst puncture, ovariopexy, oophoropexy, shortening of the   At times, cystectomy is required in the case of a simple ovarian
            utero-ovarian ligament and oophorectomy, their advantages and   cyst or dermoid cyst. Ding et al.  had suggested removal of
            disadvantages, and finally the outcome of pregnancy following the   dermoid cyst in an endobag to avoid spillage into the abdominal
            minimally invasive procedure.                      cavity through laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS).
            © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.
            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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