Page 27 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Our Experience with Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
            Right Adrenalectomy                                of the patients had intraoperative fluctuations of blood pressure
            (Fig. 1) Four ports were used normally. Three ports of 10 mm (1 for   which was managed successfully by an anesthetist. These patients
            30 degree scope and 2 as working ports) each were placed along   eventually had pheochromocytomas on histology. The patient
            the right costal margin and one 5 mm port at the xiphisternum for   who was pregnant had intraoperative accelerated hypertension
            liver retraction. An additional 5 mm fifth port would be inserted for   with a maximum recording of 230/110 mm Hg, managed by inj.
            liver retraction if required, in the right anterior axillary line.  nitroprusside and nitroglycerine (NTG) drip.
               The triangular ligament was first cut and the peritoneum was   Five out of 37 patients had to be converted to the open
            incised along with the liver as far as the diaphragm so that the right   technique. One of them had multiple adhesions with the bowel
            lobe of the liver falls away medially. The plane was created between   because of past abdominal surgery for duodenal perforation which
            liver and adrenal and dissection proceeded medially reaching the   made the separation of bowel difficult. One patient had retrocaval
            adrenal vein.                                      tumor extensions and was densely adherent to IVC and liver with
               After complete dissection of the vein, it was cut between clips.   a size of 8.5 × 7 cm. It eventually turned out to be adrenocortical
            The gland was then dissected free using a hook with monopolar   carcinoma. Two patients were converted to open because of the
            coagulating current and delivered after placement in endobag.   difficulty in dissection and prolonged operative time due to large
            The specimen was extracted via a 10 mm port, by enlarging the   tumor size. One of the patients had severe hepatomegaly. Despite
            incision. The port sites were closed using the standard technique.  adding a fifth retraction port, separation of tumor from the liver
                                                               bed was difficult, so the decision was taken to proceed with open
            Left Adrenalectomy                                 surgery. The characteristics of patients converted to open along
            Port placement on the left side was similar to the right. Four ports   with reasons for the same have been summed up in Table 2.
            were used.
               The peritoneum was incised along the White Line of Toldt in a  dIscussIon
            “T” shaped manner.                                 Studies have suggested that large tumors are not a contraindication
               The two horizontal limbs of T extended from colon caudally   for LA, but some authors do not approve laparoscopic approach for
            to splenocolic ligament in the cephalad direction till the greater   large tumors because of increased risk of malignancy, especially in
            curvature of the stomach was visible.              tumors with infiltration to surrounding structures on computerized
               This allowed complete retraction of the spleen and the colon   tomography (CT), which may even lead to peritoneal dissemination
            by positional gravity and exposed the kidney enveloped in the
            Gerota’s fascia. The vertical limb of “T” was the line of dissection
            between the tumor and spleen. Dissection was done at the site of   Table 1: Patients’ characteristics
            the renal hilum, for identification of the adrenal vein, which was   Total patients  37
            clipped and divided. The adrenal gland was then dissected free   Mean age in years (range)  46 (27–65)
            from the surrounding structures and delivered in a retrieval bag.  Sex    Male—15 (40.54%)
                                                                                      Females—22 (59.45%)
            results                                             Average BMI in kg/m  (range)
            The demographic details and patient characteristics have been   Side      Right—16 (43.24%)
            summed up in Table 1. Out of 37 patients, 32 were evaluated               Left—20 (54.05%)
            and found to have functional tumors. Eventually, 31 of them had           B/L—1 (2.7%)
            pheochromocytoma on histopathology and 1 patient had adrenal   Any significant history  1 female—5 months pregnant
            hyperplasia leading to Cushing’s syndrome. One patient had sudden         1 male—past history of abdominal
            cardiovascular collapse at the time of induction but was resuscitated     surgery for duodenal perforation
            on time and the patient went on with the surgery successfully. Most   Mean size in cm (range)  6.05 cm (2.5–9.6 cm)
                                                                Functional tumors     32 (31 pheochromocytomas and 1
                                                                                      patient of Cushing’s disease)
                                                                Final histopathology  Nonfunctioning adenomas—4
                                                                                      Adrenocortical carcinoma—1
                                                                                      Adrenal hyperplasia—1

                                                               Table 2: Reasons for conversion to open adrenalectomy
                                                                No. of patients converted to open  Reason for conversion
                                                                1                        Hepatomegaly in a right-sided
                                                                1                        Adherent to kidney, liver, and
                                                                                         retrocaval extension—eventu-
                                                                                         ally malignant
                                                                2                        Large tumor size
                                                                1                        Past abdominal surgery leads to
            Fig. 1: Port placement for right adrenalectomy                               adhesions with bowel

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