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Our Experience with Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
            or port site recurrence. 4–7  In the present study, the laparoscopic   •  Right-sided tumors.
            approach was adopted in all patients with adrenal tumors   •  History of past abdominal surgery.
            regardless of tumor size. Two patients were converted to open
            adrenalectomy because of large tumor size.            This information can help in appropriate counseling and taking
               However, the size of the tumor can be regarded as the most   of preoperative consent of candidates for LA.
            important factor for conversion. 8                    Laparoscopic adrenalectomy can also be carried out safely in
               In recent literature, contraindications for LA are invasive   a pregnant woman without harm to the fetus.
            adrenocortical carcinoma, large tumor >10–12 cm in diameter,
            and malignant adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secreting  references
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