Page 38 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 38

Hanom Husni Syam

            of compressed muscular fibres and diverted uterine vessels.
            This allows healthy adjacent myometrium to be preserved and
            damage avoided to the peri-myomatous vessels which are often
            distended due to compression by the myoma and could be the
            origin of considerable hemorrhage.
               Electrocoagulation must be used as sparingly as possible
            to achieve hemostasis of the edges after myomectomy. Certain
            cases of uterine rupture during pregnancy reported after LM
            and after myolysis suggest that the use of electrocoagulation
            may induce necrosis of the myometrium resulting in a
            postoperative fistula.
               Suture of the hysterotomy must always respect a certain
            number of principles. Indeed any technical deficiency when
            carrying it out may result in uterine rupture during a subsequent
            pregnancy. Apart from pedunculated myomata, the
            myomectomy sites must always be sutured. In the experience  Fig. 1: Suturing the cut edges after myomectomy
            of certain teams at the beginning, when no suture was carried
            out, the resulting scars were fine or dehiscent. The uterine suture
            does not necessarily have to use several planes, despite the
            recommendation of certain authors. The suture must always
            take up the full depth of the edges of the hysterotomy and
            result in total contact over the whole of the myomectomy defect
            in order to avoid secondary constitution of a hematoma deep
            inside the myometrium (Figs 1 and 2). This kind of hematoma
            can cause weakness in the scar tissues and the constitution of
            a secondary fistula. When the uterine cavity has been opened
            or when the myomectomy defect is deep, it is necessary to
            make a suture in two planes. It is possible to make this type of
            suture in several planes by laparoscopy. However, if this proves
            difficult there should be no hesitation in using laparoscopic
            assisted myomectomy (LAM) to complete it successfully. This
            procedure is an intermediate procedure between laparotomy
            and LM: laparoscopy is used to help myoma(ta) exposure; to
            begin or achieve enucleation; the uterine suture is then carried
            out by mini-laparotomy in a traditional fashion.               Fig. 2: After closure of myometrium
               Myomectomy was performed with a standard technique
            using three suprapubic ports. The uterus was always cannulated  with interrupted, simple or more frequently cross-stitches tied
                                                               intracorporeally using 1 or 0 Polyglactin sutures.
            to allow the correct exposure of myomas. For pedunculated
            myomas, the pedicle was secured using a pre-tied or  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            extracorporeally-tied loop and coagulated and transected with
            bipolar forceps and scissors. To decrease vascularization and  A literature search was performed using Highwire press,
            blood loss, starting in 1997 Rossetti et al, injected myomas with  Pubmed, the search engine Google and Online Springer facility
            diluted (1: 100) ornithine vasopressin. For subserous and  available at Laparoscopy Hospital, New Delhi. The following
            intramural myomas, they carried out the serosal incision  search terms were used: “Laparoscopic myomectomy,
            vertically over the convex surface of the myoma using a  Pregnancy, Uterine rupture and Pregnancy outcomes”. Selected
            monopolar hook. After exposure of the myoma pseudocapsule,  papers were screened for further references. Criteria for selection
            grasping forceps were positioned to apply traction to the myoma  of literature were the number of cases (excluded if less than 20),
            and expose the cleavage plane. Enucleation was carried out by  methods of analysis statistical or non-statistical, operative
            traction on the fibroid and by division with a unipolar hook or  procedure only universally accepted procedures were selected
            mechanical cleavage. Hemostasis during dissection was  and the institution where the study was done (Specialized
            achieved by bipolar coagulation. Suturing was usually done  institution for laparoscopic myomectomy were given more
            along one or two layers depending on the depth of incision  preference).

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