Page 40 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 40

Mohammad Zarin et al

               In our setup, On-table cholangiography is not performed  RESULTS
            routinely while doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It is
                                                               Out of the total 760 cases that underwent laparoscopic chole-
            mainly due to technical difficulty and nonavailability of the
                                                               cystectomy bile duct injury was observed in 7 (0.92%)
            equipment in most hospitals. In this study, we report the
                                                               seven cases (Table 1).
            outcome of a series of patients undergone LC without On-
            table cholangiography.                             Partial Injury to CHD
                                                               There were 2 (0.26%) cases of partial injury to the common
                                                               bile duct. One case was that of the “Mirizzi syndrome”.
                                                               The opening between the Hartman’s pouch and CHD
            This study was carried out in surgical “D” ward Khyber
                                                               (common hepatic duct) became evident during dissection.
            Teaching Hospital, Peshawar from January 2005 to
                                                               Hence immediate laparotomy was done and T-tube placed.
            December 2008. A total of 760 patients were included in
                                                               In the second case, a small spurt occurred from a vessel
            this study. Patients of known gallstone disease without
                                                               running over the CHD during dissection of dense adhesions
            clinically and radiological proven complications (obstructive
                                                               in Calot’s triangle, hence diathermy was used to coagulate
            jaundice) were subjected to laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
                                                               the bleeder. Nothing happened during the operation. The
            Patients were admitted through outpatient or emergency
                                                               patient recovered well and was discharged home. However,
            department. After proper history and examination the
                                                               the patient returned with biliary peritonitis after one week,
            gallstone diseases was diagnosed by ultrasonography and
                                                               ERCP confirmed the leak in CHD. Laparotomy showed a
            CT-scan where needed. Patients with complications like
                                                               hole at the site where diathermy was used, a T tube was
            obstructive jaundice or gallbladder mass were excluded from
            the study. All patients were operated as elective cases with
            laparoscopic procedure. Three ports laparoscopic
                                                               Partial Injury to CBD
            cholecystectomy was performed in majority of the cases
                                                               In 2 (0.26%) patients, the partial injury to CBD occurred
            while four ports technique was adopted in difficult cases.
                                                               due to tenting and both these injuries were detected
            Meticulous concentration was adopted for hepatobiliary
                                                               peroperatively. The problem was rectified by conversion to
            anomalies. On-table cholangiography was performed in none
                                                               open surgery and insertion of T-tube.
            of the cases. At the completion of procedure biliary tracts
            were examined carefully for evidence of evident or potential
                                                               Complete Transaction of CBD
            damage. They were observed for a day or two and then
            were discharged home. They were advised to attend the  This occurred in 2 (0.26%) patients. In one, who had a
            follow-up clinics at four to six weeks interval. During  very small gallbladder (hardly 2 cm), that was buried in the
            postoperative course and follow ups, they were looked for  liver near porta hepatis. Besides the entire gallbladder was
            evidence of bile duct injury (peritonitis, biliary leakage  occupied by a large stone. Thus CBD was mistaken for
            through drain or biliary fistula). Thus detected cases of bile  cystic duct, clipped and divided. The gallbladder which was
            duct injury were admitted for further work up. The data  densely adherent with the under surface of liver and was
            were entered into a proforma and was analyzed and results  separated by blunt and sharp dissection using scissors and
            were drawn at the completion of study.             diathermy hook, and removed. Drain was placed but next

                                                Table 1: Management of complications
            Type of injury             No. (%)      Action taken                        Result
            Partial injury to CBD      2 (0.26%)    Laparotomy and T-tube               No further complication
            Partial injury to CHD      2 (0.26%)    Laparotomy and T-tube insertion     No further complication
            Cholecystohepatic duct leak  1 (0.13%)  Drain placed under ultrasound control  Leak continued after two weeks
                                                                                        Laparotomy and stitch applied to
                                                                                        the duct
            Complete transaction of CBD  2 (0.26%)  Hepatojejunostomy/choledochojejunostomy  Complete recovery after four

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