Page 44 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 44

Michael M Lawenko et al

            peritoneal flap was closed over the mesh with tackers. The  DISCUSSION
            GIST tumor was lifted using sutures and wedge resection  Single port endolaparoscopy (SPES) further minimized the
            was performed with linear staplers (Echelon™, Johnson  invasiveness of the surgical procedure by limiting the trauma
            and Johnson, New Jersey, USA) using 4 blue cartridges.  from several incisions to a single incision. Different endo-
            Intraoperative endoscopy was performed to assess   laparoscopic procedures using this approach were seen to
            completion of the resection and to verify the staple line.  be feasible and safe, 9-12  there still is no proven advantage of
            The specimen was extracted and the umbilical incision was  this technique over conventional endolaparoscopy. We
            closed with absorbable sutures.                    believe that decreasing the number of incisions and
                                                               increasing the number of procedures done will be the great
            Case 2: 55 years old male with traumatic left diaphragmatic
                                                               advantage of single port surgery.
            hernia and symptomatic gallstone disease. The single port
                                                                  We made use of two devices locally available: the
            device (Triport™, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was inserted
                                                               SILS™ device (Covidien, Norwalk, USA) and the
            via a 2 cm supraumbilical, incision. Articulated instruments
                                                               Triport™ (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). In 2 cases, the SILS™
            and hook diathermy were used. The gallbladder fundus was
            retracted using sutures (puppet technique)  and the cystic  device was used. This is an hour glass shaped port made
                                                               of an elastic polymer that is squeezed to fit a 2 cm incision
            duct and artery were clipped with hemostatic clips (Hem-
                                                               into the abdominal cavity. It comes with low profile 5 mm
            o-Lok™, Weck, N Carolina, USA). The left diaphragmatic
                                                               and a 12 mm trocars which are inserted into the port. The
            hernia was identified and incarcerated omentum was
                                                               Triport™ was used in one case. This access device has 3
            reduced. Repair was done with 2-0 nonabsorbable sutures.
                                                               gelatin coated working ports, namely one 12 mm and two
            An additional 5 mm port in the left subcostal was necessary
                                                               5 mm ports and an insufflation and gas release port. The
            to achieve the triangulation needed to assist in endosuturing.
                                                               adjustable double layer transparent plastic sheath is adjusted
            A 15 × 10 cm polyester composite mesh (Parietex™
                                                               to the thickenss of the abdominal wall (up to 10 cm). 13-15
            Covidien, Norwalk, USA).
                                                                  Comparing the ports, we found that the Triport™ was
            Case 3: 77 years old female with a left ovarian cyst and a  easier to insert in a 2 cm incision and is versatile on different
            right incisional hernia from a previous appendectomy. The  abdominal wall thickness. The drawback is its more
            single port device (SILS™, Covidien, Norwalk, USA), port  propensity for gas leak around the incision site, the difficulty
            was inserted in a 2 cm incision in the left lower abdominal  in inserting instruments through the gelport cap and the
            quadrant. The uterus was lifted using an intrauterine retractor  friction encountered with instrument movement in and out
            and left oophorectomy was completed using bipolar scissors.  of the port. This was remedied with a small incision over
            Subsequent adhesiolysis was done and the omentum was  the gelport caps and lubrication of instrument with lubricating
            freed and reduced into the abdominal cavity. The hernial  jelly. The SILS™ port on the other hand has a more airtight
            defect was closed with nonabsorbable transfascial sutures  seal and greater ease of instrument insertion and movement.
            and covered with a 10 × 15 cm antiadhesive mesh (C-Qur™,  Its drawback is that is requires a certain effort to insert in a
            Atrium Medical, Hudson, USA). Mesh fixation with   2 cm incision and it was not suited for abdominal wall
            transfascial sutures and titanium tackers (Protack™,  thickness greater than 5 cm. Introduction of the 12 mm
            Covidien, Norwalk, USA) was done.                  trocar was very difficult and it made the port expand,
                                                               affecting the inflow of gas. This was remedied but removing
            RESULTS                                            two 5 mm trocars while using the 12 mm trocar.

            Procedure              Operating    Intraoperative   Port used    Additional     Size of      Size of
                                  time (minutes)  complications               5 mm port    incision (cm)  scar (cm)
            TAPP + Gastric           250        None             SILS™          Nil            2           2.5
            wedge resection
            Cholecystectomy +        210        small laceration  Triport™       1             2           2.5
            Diaphragmatic hernia repair         of the liver
            Oophorectomy + Incisional  105      None             SILS™          Nil            2           2.5
            hernia repair

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