Page 20 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 20

S Abbas, R Rizvi

            NOTES. In-line endoscopic tools are also a shortcoming as  Finally, last but not the least the esthetic benefits of
            they have a restricted range of motion and limited degrees  NOTES the concept of “no-scar” abdominal operations.
            of freedom thus hindering the diamond baseball concept of  This has captivated the public at large and is feasible with
            the visual field and instruments, a concept found to be critical  pure NOTES cases, although esthetics should not be the
            in laparoscopy.                                    only driving force behind NOTES.
               As a purposeful viscerotomy is made in NOTES, its
            secure closure is a must to ensure the safety of the operation.  NOSCAR (NATURAL ORIFICE SURGERY
            Initial research work managed the viscerotomy without  CONSORTIUM FOR ASSESSMENT AND
            closure or by occlusion using a percutaneous endoscopic  RESEARCH)
            gastrostomy (PEG-type gastrostomy tube).  Both methods  In a collaborative effort, members of the American Society
            were not successful with high rates of intra-abdominal  for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and the Society of American
            contamination in the porcine model. Thus, more reliable  Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons joined to form
            methods that achieve full-thickness closure of the  NOSCAR. The purpose of this organization is to regulate
            viscerotomy are currently being evaluated.         the progress of NOTES and ensure the safety of clinical
                                                                  A NOSCAR publication which delineates the guidelines
            Some critics are apprehensive with NOTES, because of its
                                                               for laboratory and clinical natural orifice surgery has been
            differences with conventional surgical teaching. As of now,               4
                                                               deemed the “White Paper”.  In the White Paper, the authors
            advances are being made in limiting some of the current
                                                               outlined the current shortcomings of NOTES techniques
            shortcomings of NOTES. However, there may be some
                                                               and some of the potential solutions. A call for rigorous
            benefits of natural orifice surgery that make its pursuit
                                                               scientific research was made before clinical employment
                                                               of NOTES. Cooperation between the fields of gastro-
               The immunologic impacts of NOTES are favorable for
                                                               enterology and surgery was mandated, ensuring the
            the patient. A recent study from Case Western Reserve
                                                               communication of research findings and the multidisciplinary
            University showed lower levels of tumor necrosis factor-α
                                                               make-up of NOTES teams.
            (TNF-α) after NOTES peritoneoscopy compared to        Recently, NOSCAR has launched a comprehensive
            laparotomy and laparoscopic abdominal exploration. 3
                                                               NOTES database. All patients throughout the world who
               NOTES may lead to a lesser degree of impairment of
                                                               are enrolled in NOTES trials will be entered into the database.
            the peritoneal immune system and possibly even improved
            oncologic and infectious outcomes.                 ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE
               Natural orifice surgery may decrease postoperative
                                                               The publication by Kalloo led to the organization of the Apollo
            abdominal adhesion formation, like laparoscopy, the minimal
                                                               group. Shortly after the publication of transgastric perito-
            access nature of NOTES might decrease the stimuli for
                                                               neoscopy, the Apollo group published reports on transgastric
            adhesions formation and, subsequently, reduce the incidence    5                6               7
            of postoperative adhesive bowel obstruction.       tubal ligation,  gastrojejunostomy,  and splenectomy  in a
               NOTES can be performed without the need for general  porcine model.
            anesthesia under conscious sedation as no skin incision is  Recently, members of the Apollo group collaborated in
            made, therefore NOTES could be performed in the intensive  the performance of per oral transgastric ventral hernia repairs
            care unit or endoscopy suite, rather than an operating room.  in a porcine model. These publications were significant as
               The NOTES team and its equipment are more portable  it proved that complex operations were feasible using
            as single endoscopy tower houses all of the necessary  NOTES techniques and the animals survived without undue
            equipment.                                         complications.
               Furthermore, in NOTES, procedures are performed    Many studies followed and performed animal feasibility
            without sterile instruments, only with scopes subjected to  studies. Transgastric appendectomy, 8  cholecystectomy, 9
            high-level disinfection. This makes NOTES more applicable  and oopherectomy 10  were performed. The transcolonic 9
            to compromised environments, such as battlefields and  approach was used to perform cholecystectomy, and the
            especially in developing countries, where sterilization  transvaginal approach has been used in laboratory animals
            equipment is not readily available.                to perform nephrectomy. 11  Combined transrectal and

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