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Incisional Hernias after Laparoscopic Surgery

            Moreover, Crist and Gadacz  mentioned that, in general,  should stick to this rule of deflating intra-abdominal
            5.5 mm facial defects by trocar sites need not to be closed.  compressed gas before closure.

            However, Sanz-Lopez et al 8  insisted that the general  We believe that closing the fascialdefect and peritoneum

            consensus is that trocar site hernias of 5 mm and greater in  is the only effective way to prevent trocar site hernias, and

            diameter should be closed at the fascial level, and thatdefects  thatthe other methods should be used after improper closure

            of any size especially in children should be closed. Some  for the worst cases. When active manipulation through a 5
            authors have stated their opinion that all 5 mm ports sites  mm port for prolonged time has occurred then to avoid

            routinely might not be necessary to close, but in active  complications the fascial defect should be closed.
            manipulation during prolonged procedures, to avoid

            complications they should be closed. 54,55         TREATMENT
               How to properly close a fascial defect is the problem.    2


            Matthews et al  reported that there were trocar site hernias  Duron et al  investigated 24 cases of reoperated mechanical
                                                               intestinal obstruction postoperative following laparoscopic
            due to incomplete closure of fascial planes and that the
                                                               surgery that were;11 (46%) were due to trocar site hernia,
            peritoneum should also be closed along with the fascia to
                                                               8 (33%) to adhesions, 4 (17%) to gastric bands, and 1 to
            obliterate the preperitoneal space, and thus postoperative
            complication of hernia can be prevented. Velasco et al 51  cecal volvulus. The median interval to reoperation was

                                                               significantly shorter for trocar site hernias (8 days) than
            mentioned that under direct vision only the closure should

            be done, and it should incorporate all abdominal wall layers  for adhesions (25 days) or gastric bands (22.5 days). To

            to eliminate the peritoneal defect. Callery et al  stated that  conclude that trocar site hernia will be early onset of small-


            even if to extent the skin incision, all largetrocar sites should  bowel obstruction. Velasco et al  reported that all his
                                                               patients required surgery to resolve small-bowel obstruction
            be closed meticulously. We consider that larger trocar site
                                                               with early post laparoscopic bowel obstruction. They set
            of 10 mm and above should be closed completely (meaning

            closureof all layers including the peritoneum) with adequate  for decision-making as 14 days after surgery to be the

            muscle relaxation. Thus, the lateral trocar should also be  turning point. Moreover, some authors advised that

                                                               correctly diagnosing Richter hernia will help to lessen any

            closed as there are incidences of trocar site hernia at the
            lateral port. 56                                   delay in a postlaparoscopic patient with symptoms ofsmall-
                                                                                44, 50

               Some surgeons recommended a fascial closure device, 16  bowel obstruction.  Therefore, further procedures on
            a spinal cord needle,  a suture carrier,  a 2 mm trocar, 54  patients with a small-bowel obstruction is advisable within

                                                               2 weeks of laparoscopic surgery. If diagnosis of the
            or a Deschamps needle   to close the fascia and the

            peritoneum together. It would be advantageous to try one  obstruction cannot be ruled out, computed tomography

                                                               will be effective. Nonoperative management (nasogastric
            of these techniques to close all the layers so there won’t be

            any defects. It might be better to use a device like those  suction and other methods) will often end up in waste of
                                                               time and money, and they will sometimes lead to critical

            mentioned earlier if the fascial defect must be closed in a 5
                                                               conditions (i.e. strangulation).
            mm trocar site.

               Some authors have reported a new type of trocar: as 10
            to 12 mm nonbladed trocar sites which is very useful and

            do not require fascial closure above the arcuate line in  In this review article, we tried to make a classification of

            nonmidline port sites,  so the trocar site hernias frequency  trocar site hernia by studying previous reports and articles

            could be lowered significantly, from 1.83 to 0.17%, by  published. We think that a more accurate clinical

            switching from a sharp cutting device to a cone-shaped  identification is possible from this categorization.These will


            trocar tip;  and a trocar that expands radiallymight be useful  be useful to prevent complications if the surgeon is able to

            to prevent hernias. It is supposed that these devices are  correlate between the identified types and clinical

            recognized as useful, but before abandoning fascial closure  manifestations before the laparoscopic procedure.

            a randomized large prospective study of digestive surgery  The only surgeon who does not encounter complications
            is needed.                                         is one who is not operating. Complications can happen even
               Many authors have advised to deflate air completely  in the best of the best hands and it is important that these

            before port removal then fascial closure so as not to draw  are recognized on table and addressed immediately. The

            omentum and intestines into the fascial defect. 2,6,8,32  We  importance of adequate training and the value of proper
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):13-17                              15
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