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                                                                           Incisional Hernias after Laparoscopic Surgery
             REVIEW ARTICLE
            Incisional Hernias after Laparoscopic Surgery

            Mathews John
            Department of General Surgery, Lifeline Hospital, Adoor, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

            Correspondence: Mathews John, Department of General Surgery, Lifeline Hospital, Adoor, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
            Phone: + 91-9663054330, e-mail:

              Objective: To review about incisional hernia following laparoscopic abdominal surgery and the relationship between the pathogenesis
              and clinical features and manifestation of trocar site hernias.

              Methods: We searched for this subject on Medline and Google search by combining all these words like “trocar,” “port,” “hernia, and

              Results:  We were not able to find a common factor that analyzed the factors related to trocar site hernia by multivariate analysis.

              Therefore, we could not indicate the only independent risk factor. However, we have referred to many reports that have logically

              indicated pathogenesis. The literature what we have gone through frequently point out that the main pathogenesis is not host factors but

              rather technical ones; besides, most accurate reason is that a large trocar size, leaving the fascial defect open, and stretching the port

              site were closely related to the occurrence of trocar site hernias.
              Conclusion: The highlight of this review article is that the drain sites can possibly be one of the sources for bowel complications. We
              recommend closure of all 10 mm ports. If an intraperitoneal drain is necessary, it should be placed through a 5 mm port only.
              Keywords: Laparoscopy, incisional hernia, small bowel obstruction.
            INTRODUCTION                                       Data Extraction and Study Selection: We limited the

            In 1987, Mouret performed the first laparoscopic cholecys-  laparoscopic surgeries to cholecystectomy, colon and rectal

            tectomy changing surgical practice and it was mentioned  surgery, fundoplication, and gastric surgery; finding a total

            by Rosen and Ponsky.  Then the laparoscopic abdominal  of 44 reports on these procedures. Out of these, 19 case
            surgery increased and was common by the 1990s. 2  The  reports, 18 original articles and 7 technical notes on “how

            adoption of this new technique resulted new, specific  to do it” were collected. Another 19 additional reports were

            operative complications. Incisional hernias at the site of entry  obtained using the references of those previously obtained

            of a trocar is a serious complication in laparoscopy, 3  as  study. So a total of 63 reports were reviewed (24 case
            most trocar site hernias require further surgery. 4  reports, 27 original articles, 7 technical notes, and 5 review

               Fear  reported first a trocar site hernia in his large series  articles).
            on abdominal laparoscopy in gynecological diagnosis. Many

            authors haverecognized still this as the first report on trocar  Data Synthesis: In this review study, we classified trocar

            site hernias. 2,6-8  Maio and Ruchman  then reported on the  site hernia into 3 types. The early-onset type being the first

            trocar site hernia associated with small-bowel obstruction  that occurred immediately afterthe operation, with a small-

            occurring immediately after laparoscopic cholecystectomy;  bowel obstruction, especially the Richter hernia. The late-
            this being the first report on trocar site hernias in digestive  onset type being the second one thatoccurred several months

            surgery. In the published reports there is enormously wide  after the operation, mostly with localabdominal bulging with

            variation in the clinical aspects of trocar site hernias; so  no small-bowel obstruction developing and the third one a

            nowadays we became more concerned about the meaning  special type that occurred indicated the protrusion of the

            of the medical term “trocar site hernia,” as it is not clearly
                                                               intestine and/or omentum.
            MATERIALS AND METHODS                              REVIEW OF LITERATURE
            Data Sources: We searched for this subject on Medline  Crist and Gadacz 10  defined trocar site hernia as the

            and Google search by combining all these words like  development of a hernia at the cannula site, and this same

            “trocar,” “port,” “hernia”, and “laparoscopy.”     term hasbeen used in many articles over this time; however,
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):13-17                              13
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