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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Elderly Patients
            was above 70 years. Although in epidemiological studies,  the   incidence of bleed has been reported to be nearly 10%, irrespective
            prevalence of disease is reported to rise in conjunction with age,   of the age of the patients.  So this suggests that the procedure
            in our study, an inverse trend in age distribution with respect to   does not carry any extra risk of bleeding in elderly people. Difficulty
            the number of procedures (Table 1) reflects that lesser number   in extraction of gallbladder was experienced in seven (15.55%)
            of laparoscopic surgeries was conducted in higher age-groups.   patients. This was due to the either large number or large size of
            This can be justified by reports that laparoscopic surgery in   stones. Spillage of stones occurred in these patients. The procedure
            elderly patients becomes more challenging due to the unique   had to be converted to open in 13.33% (6 patients) and the final
            physiological demands of the procedure  and also the ASA score   outcome was without any complication. This figure is higher than
            (American Society of Anesthesiologists score) increases with age,   a standard conversion rate of 5–10%, mentioned in literature  but
            increasing the risk of anesthesia. 9,10  All the patients who underwent   comparable to a figure, i.e., 14.7% mentioned in another study
            laparoscopic cholecystectomy had an ASA score of I or II, including   upon elderly patients.  The conversion was due to multiple and
            those 17 patients (37.77%) who had comorbid conditions, i.e.,   concomitant intraoperative difficulties, i.e., poor visualization of
            hypertension and diabetes mellitus. So this suggests the patient   anatomy, adhesions, intraoperative bleeding from cystic artery
            selection pattern, i.e., only those patients who qualified the risk   or gallbladder fossa, which has been mentioned as an important
            criteria were selected for the procedure.          cause by other studies also.  Operative procedure was uneventful
               In a considerable number of patients, i.e., 16 (35.55%), one or   in 29 patients. The mean operative time for all these patients was
            multiple difficulties were encountered intraoperatively as shown in   80 minutes, which is in accordance with the mean 75 minutes in a
            the Venn diagram (Fig. 1). This has been reported in literature also   similar study.  This suggests that the procedure involves operative
            that elderly patients suffer from repeated inflammation, resulting   difficulties in a significant proportion of elderly patients due to the
            in adhering to the surrounding structures, rendering laparoscopic   chronicity of disease. Despite operative difficulties encountered in
            surgery difficult. 11,12  We found that 13 patients (28.88%) had difficult   16 cases, in 62.5% cases operative challenges could be successfully
            anatomy of Calot’s triangle and in 5 patients (11.11%) dense adhesions   managed. We did not find any reporting of iatrogenic injury to
            were found with omentum, colon, and duodenum. Intraoperatively   visceral organ, major blood vessel, or bile duct. Therefore, more
            uncontrolled bleeding occurred in 5 patients (11.11%). This occurred   operative difficulties and comparatively higher conversion rate
            from gallbladder fossa in two patients and cystic artery in three   cannot be interpreted as a lack of procedural safety.
            patients. This figure is in agreement with other series, in which the   Average hospital stay was 2.5 days. In terms of morbidity and
                                                               mortality, we had a low complication rate. Postoperatively, one
            Table 1: Distribution of patients according to age  patient had a minor bile leak which was managed by endoscopic
            Age-group (years)                   No. of procedures  retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and common bile
            60–65                               18             duct (CBD) stenting. Intraoperatively or postoperatively none of
                                                               the patients developed any cardiac or respiratory complication
            66–70                               19             and no mortality occurred. Although in some comparative studies
            71–75                               6              of elderly vs young patients a higher morbidity has been reported
            75–80                               2              in elderly patients,  a low complication rate has been reported
                                                Total = 45     by Marcari et al. even in octogenarians.  Therefore, age is not a
                                                               contraindication for the procedure. Patient selection, considering
                                                               risk and comorbid conditions besides timely conversion of the
                                                               procedure, and weighing the intraoperative difficulties affect the
                                                               outcomes of procedure. This study being retrospective in nature,
                                                               exclusion and inclusion criteria, i.e., proper selection criteria, could
                                                               not be determined exactly, and this was the limitation of the study.
                                                               Further studies are required to determine patient selection criteria
                                                               and hence to improve the outcome of the procedure.
                                                               Procedure of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe in elderly
                                                               patients. Operative challenges can be managed by adequate
                                                               experience and timely conversion. Proper patient selection by
                                                               preoperative assessment can minimize the risk of complications.
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                                                                 3.  Völzke H, Baumeister SE, Alte D. Independent risk factors for gallstone
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            Fig. 1: Intraoperative difficulties                     Surg Endosc 1997;11(8):802–804. DOI: 10.1007/s004649900457.

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