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Evaluation of Various Port Positions for Minimal Access Cardiovascular and Thoracic Procedures
Fig. 17: Surgeon’s discomfort level for suturing and tying surgeon’s knot
in lung resection at 30°, 60°, and 90° port position angles
Fig. 16: Average timing in seconds for suturing and tying surgeon’s knot
in lung resection at 30°, 60°, and 90° port position angles
Fig. 19: Surgeon’s discomfort level for applying endolinear stapler in
lung resection with different manipulation angles
3.94, and 0.74. The lowest time required is at 60° angle manipulation
(Figs 18 and 19).
All the readings were reproducible at a p value of 30.141 at 5%
level of significance. It was found that the 60° angle had shorter
operative time followed by 30° and then 90°.
Fig. 18: Average timing for applying an endolinear stapler in lung
resection with different manipulation angles Thymectomy
Timing for Suturing and Tying Surgeon’s Knot in Thymectomy
the actual procedure time), error rates. and the surgeon’s discomfort Average timings (mean time) in seconds for suturing and tying
for each of the three angles of manipulation. surgeon’s knot in thymectomy at 30°, 60°, and 90° angle are 222.17,
Lung Resection 133.17 and 282.83, respectively. χ values at those angles are 8.39,
7.88, and 8.52. The lowest time required is at 60° angle manipulation
Timing for Suturing and Tying Surgeon’s Knot in Lung (Figs 20 to 23).
Resection Only readings at 30° and 60° were reproducible at a p value of
Average timings (mean time) in seconds for suturing and tying 30.141 at 5% level of significance but the χ of readings at 90° was
the surgeon’s knot in lung resection at 30°, 60°, and 90° angle are less than the p value, indicating nonreproducibility. These suggest
311.83, 304.33, and 344.50, respectively. χ values at those angles that the 60° angle has shorter operative time than 30° and 90° and
are 6.55, 2.73, and 10.84. The lowest time required is at 60° angle above.
manipulation (Figs 16 and 17). Timing for clipping in thymectomy.
All the readings were reproducible at a p value of 30.144 at 5%
level of significance. It has been demonstrated that the 60° angle ASD Closure
has shorter operative time followed by 30° and then 90°. Timing For Suturing and Tying Surgeon’s Knot in ASD Closure
The average timings in seconds for 30°, 60°, and 90° were 225.67,
Timing for Applying Endolinear Stapler in Lung Resection 128.67 and 293.33, respectively. It was demonstrated that the 60°
Average timings (mean time) in seconds for applying an endolinear angle had shorter operative time followed by 30° and then 90°,
stapler in lung resection at 30°, 60°, and 90° angle are 907.17, although all the readings were reproducible at a p value of 30.141
856.83, and 988.50, respectively. χ values at those angles are 0.69, at 5% level of significance (Figs 24 and 25).
108 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 3 (September–December 2019)