Page 31 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 31

Fadare Oluwaseun O

          reported; however, it is unclear whether hemorrhage is a  had initial severe adhesions, but all had minimal adhesions.
          less common occurrence or whether it is under-reported  Drawbacks of this technique include the risk of ascending
          by various studies.                                 vaginal infection from the catheter’s stem passing through
                                                              the cervix into the vagina. The overinflated balloon may
          Prevention of Recurrence of Adhesion                also increase pressure on the uterine walls, which may result

          Studies have shown a high rate of reformation of intrauterine  in decreased blood flow to uterine walls with potential effects
          adhesions (3.1 to 23.5%), especially severe adhesions  on endometrial regeneration. In addition, this method can
          (20 to 62.5%). Thus, prevention of reformation of adhesions  produce significant discomfort for the patient. Randomized
          after surgery is essential to successful treatment. Various  comparative studies are needed to validate this method’s
          methods have been used to achieve this aim.         benefits, including the reproductive outcomes.

          Intrauterine contraceptive devices: The insertion of an  Hyaluronic acid (HA): Recently, hyaluronic acid, a natural
          intrauterine device (IUD) has been advocated by many  component of the extracellular matrix, the vitreous humor
          studies as an effective, widely used method to prevent  and synovial fluid of the joint, has been proposed as a barrier
          adhesion reformation.  Postoperative use of an IUD keeps  agent to prevent adhesion development after abdominal and
          the raw, dissected surfaces separated during the initial healing  pelvic surgery.  The antiadhesive effects depend on the
          phase and may reduce the chances that they will readhere  preparation’s molecular weight as well as its concentration. 59
          to one another. In a literature review, March  discussed  Investigators  have studied intrauterine application of
          the use of IUDs and concluded that T-shaped IUDs may  modified hyaluronic acid (HA), including Seprafilm
          have too small surface area to prevent adhesion reformation,  (Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge, MA) and auto-
          and that IUDs containing copper may induce an excessive  crosslinked HA (ACP) gel (Hyalobarriergel; Baxter, Pisa,
          inflammatory reaction. Therefore, their use is not advised  Italy), to reduce the intrauterine adhesions after adhesiolysis.
          in patients who have had intrauterine adhesions. The loop  Seprafilm, a bioresorbable membrane formulated from
          IUD is considered the best choice for the prevention of  chemically modified HA (sodium hyaluronate) and
          reformation of intrauterine adhesions,  although it is no  carboxymethyl cellulose, has been shown to significantly
          longer available in many countries, including Nigeria.  reduce intrauterine adhesions. Seprafilm turns into a
          Presently, there have been no randomized controlled trials  hydrophilic gel approximately 24 hours after placement and
          to confirm the usefulness of IUDs in preventing adhesion  provides a protective coating around traumatized tissues
          reformation after hysteroscopic lysis of intrauterine  for upto 7 days during re-epithelization. Tsapanos et al 60
          adhesions.The introduction of an IUD may also carry a  reported on a randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the
          small risk of perforation of the uterus.            safety and efficacy of Seprafilm in preventing and reducing

          Foley catheter: Several studies have reported on the use of  postoperative endometrial synechiae formation after suction
          a Foley catheter introduced into the uterine cavity with an  evacuation or curettage for incomplete, missed and recurrent
          inflated balloon for several days after lysis of adhesions to  abortion. In the Seprafilm-treated group, 10% developed
          prevent recurrence. The use of balloon to prevent adhesion  intrauterine adhesions; whereas in the control group, 50%
          formation after adhesiolysis maintains the freshly separated  developed intrauterine adhesions.
          uterine cavity by separating the opposing uterine walls. In  Hormone treatment: Many gynecologists do use estrogen
          2003, Orhue et al  demonstrated that the Foley catheter  therapy after hysteroscopic lysis of intrauterine adhesions
          was a safer, more effective method for preventing   but its use has not been universally accepted as there has
          reformation of intrauterine adhesions after adhesiolysis.  been no objective evidence based on randomized, controlled
          Furthermore, in a prospective controlled study, Amer
          et al  assessed the efficacy of an intrauterine balloon in  trials to confirm the efficacy of estrogen treatment on the
                                                              reduction of reformation of intrauterine adhesions.
          preventing intrauterine adhesions after operative
          hysteroscopy. The investigators concluded that its  OUTCOMES OF TREATMENT
          application after operative hysteroscopy is of great value in
          preventing intrauterine adhesions. Amer and Abd-EI-  Surgical success can be judged by the restoration of normal
          Maeboud  had tried amnion grafts after hysteroscopic lysis  anatomy in the uterine cavity. The rate of successful
          of intrauterine adhesions. In a pilot study, involving  anatomic restoration in a first procedure has been reported
          25 patients with moderate or severe intrauterine adhesions,  to range from 57.8 to 97.5%.  However, even when the
          hysteroscopic adhesiolysis was followed by intrauterine  uterine cavity has been restored anatomically, the extent of
          application of a fresh amnion graft over an inflated Foley  endometrial fibrosis will determine the reproductive
          catheter balloon for 2 weeks. Second-look hysteroscopy  outcome. Hence, the restoration of both uterine anatomy
          revealed adhesion reformation in 48% of the patients who  and the function of the endometrium are equally important.

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