Page 29 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
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Fadare Oluwaseun O

          rate and is best utilized as a screening test for IUA. 27,30  292 women in whom treatment was withheld, were
          Three-dimensional sonohysterography represents a newer  collated, among whom 45.5% conceived spontaneously.
          diagnostic modality that can detect IUA and also estimates  The unpredictable outcome of this mode of treatment has
          endometrial cavity volume, which is decreased in the setting  made it very unpopular amongst patients.
          of Asherman’s syndrome. 31,32  Although, three-dimensional
          sonohysterography is quite sensitive and specific in the  Blind Dilation and Curettage
          detection of intrauterine abnormalities, hysteroscopy is still  Before the advent of hysteroscopy, Asherman’s syndrome
          33% more sensitive in diagnosing IUA.  Transvaginal  was treated by dilation and curettage of the uterus. It is not
          ultrasonography (TVS) can demonstrate hyperechogenic  surprising that this method resulted in a high incidence of
          areas correlating with dense adhesions. TVS has high  uterine perforation and had a low success rate. This method
          specificity but widely varying sensitivity. TVS that is  is now considered obsolete.
          performed on women of high risk for IUA formation can
          have very good accuracy and is very useful as screening  Hysterotomy
          test prior to hysteroscopy. 33,34  Preoperative endometrial
          thickness as determined by TVS appears to have prognostic  Transfundal separation of the walls of endometrial cavity
                                                              by hysterotomy has been described. In an analysis of
          value in cases of severe Asherman’s syndrome.  Recent
          TVS studies demonstrated very thin endometrium and  31 cases of hysterotomies compiled from a total of 12
                                                              reports,  52% conceived and 25.8% had term deliveries.
          absence of hematometra in most women with uterine outlet
          occlusion by IUA.  Recently, it has been stated that saline  The procedure is, however, seldom performed nowadays
                                                              except in very severe cases where the uterine cavity is
          infusion sonography (SIS) had a higher level of correlation                          41
          with hysteroscopic findings than TVS. 37,38  SIS and HSG  completely obliterated. Reddy and Rock  had also reported
                                                              their experience with this technique in three patients who
          may have similar sensitivity with high false-positive rate. 38,39
          Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  also represents a newer  had previous unsuccessful hysteroscopic resection of
                                                              intrauterine adhesions. All three patients resumed normal
          diagnostic modality for IUA, which is under evaluation as
          its limited application. The main advantage of MRI is its  menstruation after surgical treatment,with re-establishment
                                                              of the uterine cavity and regeneration of the endometrium.
          ability to image the uterine cavity above the adhesions and
          assess the endometrial remnants in the upper part of the  However, this method of treatment should only be
                                                              considered in the most extreme of situations, and patients
          uterine cavity, which may influence the decision and
          outcome of treatment, especially in those with uterine cavity  should have been counseled with regard to the implications
          or cervical canal obstruction that cannot be visualized by  of a laparotomy, the potential risk of bleeding with
          hysteroscopy. However, the MRI-signal characteristics of  hysterectomy and the risk of scar rupture during
          intrauterine adhesions have not been examined in detail; it is  subsequent pregnancies.
          anticipated that adhesions would produce low signal intensity  Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis
          on T2 images.  Further prospective results to address these
          are awaited. The extent and location of IUA are best defined  Hysteroscopic surgery is now the treatment of choice for
          with hysteroscopy, and they can simultaneously be treated.  Asherman’s syndrome because of its minimally invasive
          In addition to diagnosis and treatment, hysteroscopy is  nature and it can be performed under direct vision.
          required for the classification of IUA.             Adhesiolysis usually begins inferiorly and can be advanced
                                                              cephalad until the uterine architecture has been normalized. 20
          TREATMENT OF ASHERMAN’S SYNDROME                    Sometimes, the mere touch of the endoscope can be
          Treatment of Asherman’s syndrome aims at restoring the  sufficient to separate filmy columns of adhesions. In most
          size and shape of the uterine cavity, preventing recurrence  cases, adhesiolysis may be performed with the help of the
          of the adhesion, promoting the repair and regeneration of  hysteroscopic scissors or other cutting modalities, such as
          the destroyed endometrium and restoring normal      laser or diathermy. In general, filmy and central adhesions
          reproductive functions.                             should be divided first as these are more easily distinguished;
             Thus, treatment modalities in this condition are described  marginal and dense adhesions are more difficult to identify,
          in the following sections:                          and division of these adhesions carries an increased risk of
                                                              uterine perforation.
          Expectant Management                                   Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis using scissors or biopsy
          In a study by Schenka and Margalioth,  23 amenorrheic  forceps  has the advantage that it permits dissection and
          women were noted from the literature, who had not   avoids complications related to energy sources, and it
          undergone any surgical intervention, of whom 18 regained  possibly minimizes the destruction of endometrium. Surgery
          regular menses after 1 to 7 years. For fertility outcome,  that uses energy sources either with the electrode or laser

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