Page 17 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 17

Aryan Ahmed

          not used routinely, a significant number of therapeutic  double the risk in a compromised unstable patient, this is a
          procedures were applied like repair of injured diaphragm  question that has been answered by many pioneers of trauma
          (Figs 9A and B) using suture, stapler or even mesh, closure  surgery and has been uncovered in so many literatures, that
          of bowel perforation, resection anastomosis of injured  the case should undergo laparotomy rather than video-
          intestine, control of parenchymal injuries using adhesives,  assisted surgery. 5
          energy sources, splenectomy and even distal            Conducting the laparoscopic surgery for trauma
          pancreatectomy. 7                                   patients is better to be under low pressure pneumo-
             Although in our review, we have shown that laparoscopy  peritomeum as it will be tolerated rather than the routine
          can be used for both penetrating and blunt trauma in a  14 mm Hg pressure.
          hemodynamically stable case, nowadays most of the level  In treating injuries, many techniques have been
          1 trauma centers all over the world have developed their  described. For example, in splenic injury (Fig. 10) (stable
          own program in dealing mostly with penetrating injury as it  case), tissue adhesive has been used with good result as
          seems more promising to be the standard in the near future  well as for hepatic injuries (Fig. 11), even sometime partial
          than for blunt injuries.                            splenectomy can be conducted depending on the skill of
             Cardiorespiratory derangement can be expected in  operating surgeon. Diaphragmatic rupture and tears are
          laparoscopic surgery as creating pneumoperitoneum using  treated by using suture, stapler or even sometime a properly
          carbon dioxide decreases the venous return by compressing  sized synthetic mesh. Mesenteric tears are dealt with
          the vena cava and thus pooling blood in the lower part of  depending on its size and bowel affection, it ranges from
          body, splinting the diaphragm also leads to improper  simple closure of the defect to bowel resection and
          ventilation and oxygenation. So, if this is the case for a  anastomosis. 7
          patient undergoing an elective surgery (the derangements  Diaphragmatic injury is a matter of concern as the signs
          can be compensated during surgery by anesthetist), why to  and symptoms may be delayed regardless of the mechanism

            A                                                                 Fig. 10: Splenic injury

                  Figs 9A and B: Diaphragmatic injury (arrow)                  Fig. 11: Hepatic injury

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