Page 22 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 22

Moatassim Barham

          Laparoscopy Hospital (WLH). Selected papers were
          screened for further references. Criteria for selection of
          literature were methods of analysis (statistical or
          nonstatistical) and the institution where the study was done
          (specialized one for laparoscopic surgery). Priority
          was taken to select the newest comparative studies from
          well-known scientific highly specialized journals. Number
          of cases were not considered as a criteria since the procedure
          itself is not universally undertaken as CLC.
             A prospective record of all LCs carried out by an
          experienced laparoscopic surgeon following his appointment
          in Bristol in 2004, was examined. RLC was resorted to
          when difficulties were encountered with exposure and/or
          dissection of Calot’s triangle. A conclusion recommended
          that this technique does have a place and should be in the
          armamentarium of the laparoscopic surgeon. 4
                                                               Fig. 1: RLC technique commencing from the fundus downwards
          In the background of the comparative results of the study  23 minutes shorter in RLC than in the usual LC because
          which was carried out at Nerima General Hospital, Tokyo,  IOC was used much less often. 6
          Japan,  RLC showed satisfactory results in terms of both  Regarding the study contributed by Shing-Moo Huang
          safety and reliability in patients with severe inflammatory  and Kuang-Ming Hsiao,  the operation time was similar in
          disease.                                            the RLC and CLC groups.
              A prospective record of all LCs carried out in Bristol,  In the study of Tuveri M et al  the median operating
          in 2004, was examined.  RLC was resorted to when    time for the RLC was 65 minutes (range 40-170).
          difficulties were encountered with exposure and/or
          dissection of Calot’s triangle. RLC was attempted   INCIDENCE OF BILIARY INJURY
          successfully in 11 out of 1,041 patients. The age ranged  RLC approach provides better visualization of the GB, cystic
          from 28 to 80 years (mean 61) and there were seven males.  duct and CBD with less chance of CBD injury, due to clear
          Indications were: fibrous, contracted GB (7), Mirizzi  identification of the ductal system, without the need for
          syndrome (2) and severe kyphosis (2). Histopathology  IOC. 6
          showed chronic cholecystitis (7), xanthogranulomatous   The easy and safe contrivance for LC with taping of
          cholecystitis (3) and acute necrotizing cholecystitis (1).  the cystic duct followed by resection of the GB with the
                                                              fundus-down approach, performed for 500 patients in which
                                                              the cystic duct was cut-off only after the confirmation of
          RLC procedure is as follows: First, the cystic duct and  no CBD injury was reported.  In the conclusion, the authors
          artery are exposed at the junction of the ampulla. The cystic  memorial comment was: “Thanks to this tape procedure,
          duct is clipped, and the artery is divided. Removal of the  there was no CBD injury in our 500 cases. We recommend
          GB is then started from the fundus to cystic duct   this tape ligature of the cystic duct with the RLC approach
          downwards. After the GB has been dissected from the liver  to decrease the incidence of CBD injury”.
          bed, the cystic duct is double-clipped and divided (Fig. 1). 6  Some surgeons use RLC techniques routinely when
             In conventional OC, the fundus-down approach is a  performing LC and claim to have lower incidence of CBD
          more common procedure than the approach in the reverse  injury than that of conventional techniques. The reason was
          direction. The easy and safe contrivance for LC with taping  that it adopted an operative strategy similar to OC proceeding
          of the cystic duct temporarily with Teflon tape followed by  from the fundus towards the cystic duct and cystic artery.
          resection of the GB with the fundus-down approach was  RLC seemed to lower the CBD injury rate from 6.5 to 0%. 8
          performed. The tape was used for pulling down the cystic  A case study was reported whereas an anomaly of the
          duct, and Calot’s triangle was easily visible. The cystic duct  extrahepatic biliary system is found in which the CHD was

          was cut off only after the confirmation of no CBD injury. 7

                                                              found to enter the GB whereas the cystic duct drained the

                                                              whole biliary system into the duodenum.  Rarity of this

                                                              configuration led to transection of the CHD during LC in

          A study in which LC was carried out in 173 patients, RLC  most cases. In this case study, dissection of the GB starting

          was performed in 81; the mean operating time was    from the fundus will allow timely discovery of such an
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