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Falih Mohssen Ali

           Fig. 4: Computed tomography (CT) scan appearance of a large  Fig. 6: Multiple hydatids liver that required postoperative
                              hepatic cyst                                     albendazole therapy

                                                              In our study, 72.8% of the patients were symptomatic,
                                                              while 27.2% were asymptomatic. In all of the patients, the
                                                              cysts found were  ≥ 6 cm. The choice of the better
                                                              management of hydatid cyst of the liver is very difficult
                                                              because of variable clinicopathological aspects. The
                                                              treatment should be individualized to the morphology, size,
                                                              number and location of the cysts. Hydatid liver disease is
                                                              still endemic in certain regions of the world. The incidence
                                                              of hydatid disease in Turkey ranges from 2/10,00,000 to
                                                              1/2,000 in different studies. The progresses fulfilled in the
                                                              latest years by laparoscopic management have made the
                                                              applications of this technique possible to a more and more
                                                              number of growing cases. It is sure that the Palanivelu
                                                              Hydatid System (PHS) has revolutionized the treatment of
                                                              hydatid cyst of the liver because this sealed procedure
                                                              not only avoids any spillage of the fluid but also allows
             Fig. 5: Magnetic resonance imaging of sagittal hepatic cysts
                                                              intracystic magnified visualization for cyst biliary
          contact of hydatid fluid to blood stream after accidental  communications. By its application, fields are excluded only
          laceration of the liver. Bile leakage was observed in one  deep intraparenchymal or posterior cysts situated close to
          patient on the second postoperative day, which was managed  the vena cava. Consequently, reduced time range
          by endoscopic sphincterotomy. The leakage gradually ceased  hospitalization that is for the laparoscopy, in the opinion of
          within 6 days. This patient was discharged on the tenth  some authors, of 3 to 12 day against the mean hospitalization
          postoperative day, in other patient, an infected subhepatic  time range in the open that is of 9 to 20 days; mortality with
          collection developed after discharge from the hospital.  the laparoscopic procedure goes down to almost 0% and
          This patient was rehospitalized with pain and high fever,  morbidity has determinate dramatic and sensible reduction
          and the collection was drained percutaneously guided by  of the recurrence. 8,9
          ultrasound. The mean length of hospital stay was 4.3 days  CONCLUSION
          (range 4-10 days). The mean follow-up was 15.6 months
          (range 6-25 months). Radiological and serological test results  It is better and safe to use laparoscopy in treatment of hydatid
          showed no recurrences for all patients.             liver with less morbidity, mortality and recurrence rate in
                                                              comparison with open technique.
             Table 1: Symptomatology of patients with liver hydatid cyst  It is recommended to use postoperative albendazole
               Symptom             No.             %
               Pain                18              56.20       REFERENCES
               Abdominal mass      12              37.50        1. Dervenis C, Delis S, Avgerinos C, Madariaga J, Milicevic M.
               Dyspepsia            4              12.50
               Jaundice             2              6.25           Changing concepts in the management of liver hydatid disease.
                                                                  J Gastrointest Surg. Jul-Aug 2005;9(6):869-77.

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