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                                                              A Review on the Role of Laparoscopy in Abdominal Trauma

                                                                 The standard method of resuscitating trauma patient is
                                                              to follow ABCDE protocol (airway, breathing, circulation,
                                                              disability and exposure). Treating airway has number one
                                                              priority because if the patient can respond well, it indicates
                                                              almost near normal ventilation and oxygenation as well as
                                                              normal level of consciousness (GCS of 15/15). In
                                                              resuscitating these patients, the 1st hour from the time of
                                                              accident is uniquely important which is called golden hour,
                                                              due to the importance of managing the life-threatening injury
                                                              in that particular time, and within these critical minutes
                                                              airway management should be the first task of the
                                                              paramedics or physician. When life-threatening injuries, like
                                                              tension pneumothorax, massive hemothorax, injury to the
                                                              thoracic aorta and ruptured bronchopulmonary tree, have
                        Fig. 8: Three-port technique          happened, the resuscitation has to be as fast as airway,
                                                              because some of them affects the airway, oxygenation and
          exploration should be undertaken starting from right  ventilation at the same time. Bleeding is always considered
          hypochondrial region, assessing all solid organs, lower  as a threatening signal towards death, that is why it is the
          esophagus, stomach, duodenum and rest of small bowel by  most stressful one to be managed, here is the arena where
          running it from ileocecal valve to duodenojejunal junction,  surgeon has to act quickly and properly as minutes will be
          colon and rectum, mesentery as well as diaphragm as mostly  counted rather than hours, and when the case is not
          missed by the noninvasive radiological tools.       hemodynamically stable, the option of laparoscopic approach
             Violating the peritoneum in the penetrating wound injury  does not exist and should not be attempted because it is
          is an indication for laparoscopic exploration, and sometime  time consuming and leads to many cardiorespiratory
          local wound exploration is not informative due to the  derangements in an already compromised victim.
          tangential track of the injury, provided the peritonitis is  Still as part of primary resuscitation, the last but not the
          excluded because that declares a delayed presentation which  least is neurological assessment as neurogenic shock should
          needs aggressive surgical intervention and toileting.  be kept in mind and not to be confused with the hypovolemic
             A retrospective cohort study made for about 86 patients  one, and examining (exposing) the patient in a warm
          who sustained abdominal stab wound and were divided into  environment to avoid hypothermia.
          two groups, resulted in reducing nontherapeutic laparotomy  The revolution in surgery nowadays is towards minimal
          and avoiding its complications in most of the       access approach, neither the less, this has also taken over
          hemodynamically stable cases. 2                     in traumatology for selected cases (stable patients whether
             In some other studies, an extensive review is made on  sustained blunt or penetrating injuries). Not only that, some
          the effect of laparoscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic  trauma centers have made their own approach in handling
          tool in the management of diaphragmatic ruptures, and  theses cases with the use of video-assisted techniques.
          considered the best line of management,  even a rare case  Previously there were literatures not supporting to the
          of traumatic intrapericardial diaphragmatic injury and  use of laparoscopy in trauma due to complications, including
          herniation were managed successfully.               missed intestinal injuries, trocar and needle-related enteral
             Although it is out of debate that video-assisted laparoscopy  and vascular injuries as well as gas embolism, but this has
          and thoracoscopy should be conducted for stable patient,  dramatically reduced as the new techniques and
          some study has shown beneficial even for unstable cases,  triangulations with ergonomics has respected.  Some authors
          provided it is utilized properly in experienced hand.
                                                              have reported gas embolism in cases of inferior vena cava
                                                              laceration,  this was the lead point to the gasless technique.
                                                              Tension pneumothorax has also been reported in cases of
          The American College of Surgeon, committee on trauma  diaphragmatic injuries. 9
          has standardized the management of patients sustaining  Sometime inspite of using all the high quality
          trauma whether blunt or penetrating after an accident  investigations and imaging techniques, intra-abdominal
          happened to the orthopedic surgeon Dr Jim Styner who  injuries remain as a great challenge to be diagnosed, and
          crashed his small plane into the rural area in 1976. After  so that is why still laparotomy is performed as a standard
          that a new program was developed in 1978 (the year of 1st  line of treatment. Provided the patient is stable, this is the
          ATLS course).                                       field where laparoscopy has a great role. Although it is

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2011;4(1):13-17                              15
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