Page 10 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 10

Falih Mohssen Ali

          age 43.4 years). The most common complaints were dull  laparoscope was inserted into the cyst to exclude any biliary
          pain at the right hypochondrium or/and epigastrium and  communication or retained daughter cysts. The cystic cavity
          palpable mass. Patients were diagnosed by ultrasonography  was irrigated with 20% hypertonic saline several times, and
          (US) (Fig. 1), computed tomography (CT), magnetic   partial or near total cystectomy was done by using harmonic
          resonance imaging (MRI) and confirmed by serological  scalpel, then a drain was placed in the remaining cystic
          examination (immunoelectrophoresis which has a high  cavity, and gauzes were placed in an endosac and removed.
          sensitivity, being positive in 30 patients). We excluded cases  Postoperative follow-up was very smooth, oral fluid intake
          with multiple liver hydatid cysts having more than two or  was allowed next day of operation, drain was removed
          cysts located in blind area for laparoscopic procedures, like  at 48 hours after operation if no apparent bile in the drain,
          segments 1, 2 and 7. Our exclusion criteria also included  patients were discharged to home and advised for follow-up
          intraparenchymal location of the cyst or cysts with thick  at 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months and then yearly by
          and calcified walls. All procedures were performed under  ultrasound and serological tests (immunoelectrophoresis
          general anesthesia and in the supine position. Prophylactic  test). 5,8,11
          antibiotics were administered for 30 minutes before the
          operation. The surgeon and the camera assistant standing  Indications
          on the left side of the patient with the assistant and scrub  1. Single superficial cyst that may rupture
          nurse standing on the right side of the patient. Four ports  2. Large cyst with multiple daughter cysts
          were placed, a supraumbilical 10 mm port through which a  3. Cysts in communication with the biliary tree
          0° telescope inserted, another 10 mm port inserted at the  4. Infected cysts
          epigastrium as near as possible to the cyst and used as a  5. Cysts giving compression to the near vital organs.
          working channel and two additional 5 mm ports inserted
          according to the cyst location.  From the epigastric port,  Contraindications
          gauzes soaked with 20% hypertonic saline as scolicidal agent
          were introduced into the abdominal cavity and placed around  1. Dead cysts
          the cyst. The cyst was punctured with long laparoscopic  2. Multiple cysts
          needles connected to vacuum suction through epigastric  3. Cysts difficult to access
          port; another sucker was introduced through the right  4. Small cysts.
          5 mm port to avoid accidental spillage of the cyst content.
          Cystic fluid was aspirated and then 100 ml of 20%   LAPAROSCOPIC PROCEDURE
          hypertonic saline was injected inside cyst via the same needle  A lot of clinical studies that had been done to compare
          then aspirated (Fig. 2), this procedure was repeated three  laparoscopic vs open hydatid liver particularly the reccurence
          times and then the needle was withdrawn while still  rate, most of them advocate laparoscopy that is why in last
          connected to suction to prevent back spillage from needle,  years morbidity and mortality decrease.
          and then deflated cystic wall was suspended by two graspers,  Palanivelu planned a recent technique, the so-called
          and cystotomy was performed by electocautry, and the  Palanivelu Hydatis System (PHS). The PHS consists of a
          laminated membrane was carefully removed and put into  complex system of fenestrated trocar and cannulas through
          endobag and retrieved through epigastric port, then the  which it reduced at least the peritoneal spillage.

                       Fig. 1: Exposure of liver hydatid                        Fig. 2: Aspiration

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