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                                                        Current Laparoscopic Management of Symptomatic Meckel’s Diverticulum

          performed in seven patients and excision of diverticulum  postoperative complications are likely to occur in approximately
          performed in two. The mean operative time was 70 minutes  7% of patients.  Significantly, this study also showed that even
          (range, 40-100 minutes). There were no operative complications.  incidental diverticulectomies carried an operative surgical
          The histology of the resected MDs showed ectopic gastric  mortality and morbidity risk of 1 and 2% respectively as well as
          mucosa in all eight patients, associated with focal ulceration in  a risk of long-term complications in 2% of patients.
          two. The authors reported no operative complications. Median  Complicated Meckel’s diverticulum is thus by no means an
          hospital stay was four days (range, 3-7 days). At a median  innocuous diagnosis and highlights the need for both a reliable
          follow-up of 24 months (range, 3-51 months), all patients were  diagnostic and therapeutic tool to optimize management in these
          asymptomatic.                                       patients. Advances in minimal access surgery, we may now
             The series by Palanivelu et al  2008 included 12 patients  provide us with such a tool. The low incidence of symptomatic
          with symptomatic Meckel’s diverticulum treated from 1994 to  Meckel’s diverticulum in the general population implies that
          2006. All the patients presented with features of either  high-powered randomized controlled trials comparing various
          appendicitis or peritonitis, some with a vague abdominal mass.  modes of laparoscopic and even open surgical procedures are
          Clinical diagnosis of Meckel’s diverticulum was made in only  unlikely to occur. As such institutional experience becomes
          four patients. Diagnostic laparoscopy confirmed Meckel’s  increasingly significant in determining optimal management of
          diverticulitis in all patients. The open Hasson technique was  this condition.
          used to establish pneumoperitoneum. A 10 mm trocar was  As laparoscopic appendicectomy and diagnostic
          inserted into the umbilicus followed by two working ports, a  laparoscopy increasingly gain popularity, it is more likely that
          5 mm suprapubic port and another 5 mm port in the right lower  the diagnosis of complicated Meckel’s diverticulum will be made
          quadrant; both introduced under vision. A 10 mm (300)  with the use of a laparoscope, particularly in patients presenting
          laparoscope was introduced into the 10 mm port for diagnostic  with an acute abdomen. At this point, the surgeon has three
          laparoscopy. Laparoscopic stapler resection of the lesions was  therapeutic options, namely proceed with LMD which implies
          performed for all patients using an endostapler-cutter which  intracorporeal diverticulectomy; LAMD; or if the pathology
          was introduced into a 12 mm trocar, replacing the 10 mm umbilical  warrants conversion to open surgery. Conversion to open
          trocar. Tangential excision was performed in 10 patients and  surgery is likely to be required in patients with gangrenous
          wedge excision in two patients in whom the base of the  bowel, irreducible intussusception or alternate diagnosis.
          diverticulum was thought to be inflamed. Routine       Diverticulum morphology may also influence surgical
          appendicectomy was performed for all patients.      management. Mukai et al  suggest that the external appearance
             No cases of staple line leaks were reported in this study.  of the diverticulum indicates the distribution of the HGM and
          One patient had infection of the umbilical wound, which was  as such would influence the choice of laparoscopic procedure.
          treated with the appropriate antibiotics. One patient had  According to their results, long diverticula (more than 1.6 HD
          postoperative pneumonitis, treated with intravenous antibiotics  ratio) have HGM only in the distal area, while short diverticula
          for 5 days. Histopathology of the diverticulum showed  (less than 1.6 HD ratio) have HGM in almost all areas. In long
          heterotopic gastric mucosa in 11 (73%) patients, pancreatic  diverticula, simple transverse resection with a stapling device
          tissue in one (27%) patient, evidence of acute inflammation in  would be acceptable provided immediate frozen section analysis
          nine patients and perforation in three patients. The day of  is present to ensure that the stump does not contain HGM. For
          discharge was in the range of the fourth to the seventh  short diverticula, wedge resection or ileal resection with end-
          postoperative day. Eight patients were followed up for 24 months  to-end anastomosis after exteriorization would be more
          and four patients reported for follow-up after 45 months. All  appropriate. Adequate resection of heterotropic mucosa is
          were found to be symptom free.                      mandatory, not only because residual mucosa may result in
                                                              persistence of symptoms following surgery, but also because
                                                              of its possible neoplastic potential. 10
          Meckel’s diverticulum, even today still presents as a diagnostic  The incidence of heterotropic mucosa in the analysis of the
          and therapeutic challenge. As already stated, the majority of  studies included in this review is calculated to be 78.2%. As
          people with Meckel’s diverticulum are asymptomatic. Cullen  such LAMD with exteriorization of the diverticulum, wedge
          et al  found the lifetime risk of complications in people with  resection and ileal repair would be the preferred procedure,
          Meckel’s diverticulum to be 6.4%. The potential for  given that it allows for tactile examination of the diverticulum,
          complications though may be greater in people who are less  wedge excision, without significant differences in outcome and
          than 50 years of age; male; have diverticuli greater than 2 cm in  has the added cost-saving benefit of avoiding use of an
          length; and in diverticuli that contain heterotropic mucosa. 1  endostapler-cutter device (Table 1).
             Cullen et al  also showed that surgery for complicated  A second distinct group of patients are those in whom the
          Meckel’s diverticulum is associated with significant operative  diagnosis of Meckel’s diverticulum is suspected preoperatively.
          mortality and morbidity, 2 and 12% respectively. Long-term  These patients are more likely to have presented with lower

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2011;4(3):140-145                       143
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