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                                                    The Role of Thoracoscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleural Disease

          thoracic surgery). Techniques of thoracoscopic pleural  margins, equivalent recurrence rates, and comparable long-
          biopsy, fluid drainage, and pleurodesis are now recognized  term outcome compared with the time-honored open
          components of the interventional pulmonologist’s practice.  thoracotomy with lymph node dissection. Further
          Unquestionably, most therapeutic and operative procedures  prospective trials are currently underway to directly compare
          are the domain of the thoracic surgeon. It is imperative,  VATS with open lobectomy for stage I non-small cell lung
          therefore, that the pulmonologist and thoracic surgeon have  carcinoma. We do not routinely perform VATS lobectomy.
          a close working relationship to ensure proper patient care.  The issue of the expense of thoracoscopic surgery is
          At this time, it is unclear which anesthesia technique is best  becoming increasingly important. Although some studies
          for ‘diagnostic’ thoracoscopy. Several large series confirm  suggest that VATS reduces postoperative pain and hospital
          its efficacy and safety under local anesthesia. 2,24,74  stay, 7,8,36  a benefit in terms of health-care savings has not
          Nevertheless, performing thoracoscopy in an operating room  been clearly documented. 8,80,82,83  The disposable
          with assistance from the anesthesiologist, using single-lung  instrumentation and the video equipment are expensive.
          ventilation, and the ability to move quickly to open  It is clear that attempts should be made to use more reusable
          thoracotomy has distinct advantages. However, the   equipment. Also, complications or inadequate results that
          operating room approach is more time-consuming and  require longer stays, subsequent interventions, or result in
          expensive.                                          shorter survival must be accounted for in the final
             Disagreement exists regarding the appropriateness and  summation of cost. Finally, measuring direct costs alone
          timing of thoracoscopy for routine investigation of effusions  may not reflect total benefits. Indirect benefits such as an
          of unknown origin. Management of patients with suspected  earlier return to work are difficult to assess.
          malignant effusion varies-recommendations range from
          observation to progressively invasive procedures
          culminating in a thoracotomy. Currently, thoracoscopy is  Modern thoracoscopy provides a potentially less invasive
          employed after several attempts by conventional pleural  means to diagnose and to treat a variety of intrathoracic
          sampling are nondiagnostic. Thoracoscopy does increase  diseases. Simple rigid thoracoscopy is safe and effective
          the diagnostic yield for both benign and malignant disease.  for the diagnosis of benign and malignant pleural disease.
          Preoperative patient characteristics (such as history of  It is useful for therapeutic procedures, such as pleurodesis
          malignancy at any time) and clinical data that are predictive  and uncomplicated empyema drainage. Current endoscopic
          of finding malignancy at thoracoscopy have been     and VATS techniques have the potential to limit morbidity
          identified. 15  Knowledge of such features will aid patient  and reduce hospital stays for major operations. This ability,
          selection. The impact of thoracoscopy on the long-term  however, provides the potential for its overuse. Thoracos-
          outcome of patients having malignant pleural disease is  copy’s ultimate acceptance should be based on the results
          uncertain. Given the poor prognosis of patients with  of controlled, randomized trials. Further questions still
          malignant pleural disease, one can argue that the utility and  remain regarding its patient selection, operators, timing,
          necessity of diagnosing pleural malignancy by thoracoscopy  effects on long-term outcome and cost-effectiveness.
          is questionable until further therapeutic options are
          developed. VATS wedge resection  is being used to treat  REFERENCES
          stage I lung carcinoma.  It is essential to safeguard against  1. Jacobaeus HC. Jeber die moglichkeit die zystoscopie bei
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          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):4-15                               13
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