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                                                                                 Role of Robotics in Whipple’s Surgery

          •  Upper abdominal pain with radiation to back, weight  IMAGING
             loss and thrombophlebitis are usually late mani-
                                                              CT scan:  A multiphase helical CT scan is the initial
                                                              diagnostic tool and detects a mass in more than 80% of
          Risk factors for pancreatic cancer:                 cases.
          •  Age                                              •  Endoscopic ultrasound
          •  Obesity                                          •  PET scan
          •  Tobacco use                                      •  MRI
          •  Family history                                   •  ERCP
          •  Heavy alcohol use                                •  MRCP.
          •  Chronic pancreatitis
          •  Prior abdominal radiation                        WHIPPLE’S SURGERY
          •  Previous H/O partial gastrectomy.                Whipple’s surgery is done for:
                                                              •  Cancer of the head of the pancreas
                                                              •  Cancer of the duodenum
          Ductal adenocarcinoma is the most common neoplasm of  •  Cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the pancreatic end of
          the pancreas. Other neoplasms of pancreas include:     the bile)
          •  Mucinous cyst adenocarcinoma                     •  Cancer of the ampulla
          •  Serous cyst adenoma                              •  Whipple operation may also sometimes be performed
          •  Mucinous cyst adenoma                               for patients with benign (noncancerous) disorders such
          •  Malignant exocrine tumors                           as chronic pancreatitis and benign tumors of the head
          •  Benign exocrine tumors                              of the pancreas.
          •  Endocrine
                                                              Advantages of Robotic Whipple
             – Gastrinoma
             – Insulinoma.                                    The robotic Whipple offers patients a minimally invasive
             Carcinomas involving the head of the pancreas, the  option to the traditional surgeries for pancreatic cancer and
          ampulla of Vater, the distal common bile duct and the  benign tumors of the pancreas and colon, resulting in the
          duodenum are considered together, because they are usually  potential for:
          indistinguishable clinically; of these, carcinomas of the  •  Less pain
          pancreas constitute over 90%. About 75% are in the head  •  Shorter hospital stays
          and 25% in the body and tail of the organ. They comprise  •  Faster recovery times
          2% of all cancers and 5% of cancer deaths. Risk factors  •  Minimized scarring
          include new-onset diabetes mellitus after the age of 45 years,  •  Blood loss
          occasionally heralds the onset of early pancreatic cancer.  •  Less complications.

           A                                                 B
             Figs 2A and B: (A) New generation robotic instruments have seven degrees of freedom as the human hand, (B) EndoWrist’ ®
                              instrument from intuitive surgical (Courtesy: Intuitive Surgical Inc, Sunnyvale, CA)

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):39-45                              41
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