Page 29 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 29

B Srinivas

          LIMITATIONS OF ROBOTIC-ASSISTED SURGERY                •  The presence of a replaced right hepatic artery and
                                                                    the position of the 1st jejunal vein (J1) branch, as it
          Patient safety in the event of robot malfunction and crash
                                                                    enters the right side of the superior mesenteric vein,
          down is a concern and the operating room staff should be
                                                                    should be assessed in order to avoid any inadvertent
          aware of it. Robotic technology is a complex issue and needs
          a lot of practice and technical expertise. Robotic surgery
                                                                 •  Short stature and obesity create excess intra-
          needs longer operating room time compared with
                                                                    abdominal fat which makes robotic dissection
          conventional surgeries. Several pieces of equipment, each
          being extremely bulky, require large operating room space.
                                                              2. Laparoscopy, port setting and robot docking:  A
             The staff must be trained and prepared to quickly detach
                                                                 laparoscopic investigation of the abdominal cavity is
          and remove the robot from the patient in the event of an
                                                                 essential prior to any major pancreas tumor resection
          emergency. Current robotic systems lack tactile feedback
                                                                 (NCCN guidelines). The laparoscopy not only allows
          from the instruments.
                                                                 surgical staging, but also allows identification of acute
             Surgeons have to rely on visual clues to modulate the
                                                                 or chronic pancreatitis, an unfavorable body habitus or
          amount of tension and pressure applied to tissues to avoid                                       10
                                                                 other unforeseen obstacles to a robotic procedure.
          organ damage. The newly launched da Vinci HD SI system
                                                                 Robotic trocar placement: The camera port is positioned
          costs $1.75 million. Initial increased operating room setup
                                                                 slightly to the patient’s right side and inferior to the
          time and surgical time adds to the cost burden. However,
                                                                 umbilicus. The camera port is approximately 18 cm from
          robot- assisted surgery has shown to reduce hospital stay
                                                                 the operative focus, and the robotic axis is slightly to
          by about half and thereby cutting hospital cost by about
                                                                 the patient’s right side of midline. The right robotic arm
          33%. 13
                                                                 is placed in the upper left-hand corner of the abdomen.
             One major obstacle to the telerobotic surgery is the
                                                                 The robotic left hand is in the patient’s left lower
          ‘latent time’, which is the time taken to send an electrical
                                                                 quadrant, with the robotic 3rd arm below the patient’s
          signal from a hand motion to actual visualization of the
                                                                 right costal margin (after pneumoperitonealization).
          hand motion on a remote screen. Humans can compensate  Assistant operating ports are positioned in the right and
          for delays of less than 200 msec  (Table 1). Longer delays
                                                                 left abdominal quadrants. The robotic ports should be
          compromise surgical accuracy and safety. Incompatibility
                                                                 8 to 10 cm apart, if possible, while the assistant ports
          with imaging equipment is an area that needs attention.                                         10
                                                                 should be at least 5 cm from additional port sites.
                                                              3. Mobilization of duodenum (kocherization) and exposure
                                                                 of the superior mesenteric/portal vein
          PROCEDURE  (FIGS 3 TO 5)
                                                              4. Exploration of the porta hepatis
          1. Preoperative considerations: Patient and disease  5. Mobilization of the ligament of Treitz
             factors:                                         6. Transecting the pancreas and dissecting the uncinate
             •  Preoperative evaluation of acute or chronic      process
                pancreatitis which if present makes robotic dissection  7. Reconstruction: Pancreaticojejunostomy, hepatico-
                difficult                                        jejunostomy and gastrojejunostomy.
                     Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of conventional laparoscopic surgery vs robot-assisted surgery
                                      Conventional laparoscopic surgery         Robot-assisted surgery
               Advantages                Well-developed technology              3D visualization
                                         Affordable and ubiquitous              Improved dexterity
                                         Proven efficacy                        Seven degrees of freedom
                                                                                Elimination of fulcrum effect
                                                                                Elimination of physiologic tremors
                                                                                Ability to scale motions
                                                                                Microanastomoses possible
                                                                                Ergonomic position
               Disadvantages             Loss of touch sensation                Absence of touch sensation
                                         Loss of 3D visualization               Very expensive
                                         Compromised dexterity                  High start-up cost
                                         Limited degrees of motion              May require extra staff to operate
                                         The fulcrum effect                     New technology
                                         Amplification of physiologic tremors   Unproven benefit

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