Page 23 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 23

Bello L Zainab

          media and this was supported by falloposcopic       in the absence of obstructive disease. These obstacles could
          procedures. 10-13                                   be overcome by using smaller directional guidewire, softer
             Schille et al revealed in his studies that proximal tubal  distension-free Teflon catheters, improved microendoscopes
          blockage which is a major cause of subfertility in women  and improved surgical skills necessary for a safe and fruitful
          could be easily managed with falloposcopy and this yielded  falloposcopy. 16-20  All these studies are revealing the
          good pregnancy outcome. 14  Further studies revealed the  importance and efficacy of falloposcopy in both diagnosing
          importance of falloposcopy in performing tubal cannulation  tubal infertility and treating it based on the pathology.
          under laparoscopic guidance with both the coaxial and LEC  However, falloposcopy has been shown to be a highly
          falloposcopes and they achieved 80% success rate. 15  useful, minimally invasive procedure in diagnosing and
          Technical difficulties existed with coaxial falloposcopes  treating patients with proximal, mid and distal tubal disease
          more than with LEC during the procedure and this could be  as a cause of their subfertility. It has also being shown from
          attributed to ostial spasm secondary to attempted guidewire  the aforementioned studies to have a good predictive value
          cannulation and inability to negotiate the whole tubal lumen  for investigation and future fertility. 21

           A                                              B

          Figs 2A and B: (A) When methylene blue and silicone (Advanced Medical Grade Silicones BV, The Netherlands) are injected into the
          fallopian tube, the obturator tip is held in place by the outer catheter, (B) when the silicone has hardened the inner part of the coaxial
          catheter is then withdrawn and breaks the silicone column (which has extended from the syringe to the ampullary part of the plug) at the
          junction of the preformed obturator tip (Siegler AM and Lindeman HJ)

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