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T Anil Kumar et al

          et al 16  evaluated 82 patients with AGC who underwent  11. Kitano S, Shiraishi N, Fujii K, Yasuda K, Inomata M, Adachi Y.
                                                                  A randomized controlled trial comparing open vs laparoscopy-
          laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy with D2 dissection
                                                                  assisted distal gastrectomy for the treatment of early gastric
          compared with 94 patients who received open surgery; a
                                                                  cancer: an interim report. Surgery 2002 Jan;131(1 Suppl):
          similar number of HLNs was obtained in both groups (34.2  S306-S311.
          ± 13.5 vs 36.4 ± 19.1, p = 0.331). In our hospital we are  12. Lee JH, Han HS, Lee JH. A prospective randomized study
          doing D2 dissection for all cases of gastric cancer. In this  comparing open vs laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy in
                                                                  early gastric cancer: early results. Surg Endosc 2005 Feb;19(2):
          study we want to highlight that laparoscopic D2 gastrectomy
          provides same result as that of open surgery even in terms  13. Hayashi H, Ochiai T, Shimada H, Gunji Y. Prospective
          of HCNs as there is very much debate now over this issue  randomized study of open versus laparoscopy-assisted distal
          which is also an important prognostic factor.           gastrectomy with extraperigastric lymph node dissection for early
                                                                  gastric cancer. Surg Endosc 2005 Sep;19(9):1172-1176.
                                                              14. Huscher CG, Mingoli A, Sgarzini G, Sansonetti A, Di Paola M,
                                                                  Recher A, Ponzano C. Laparoscopic versus open subtotal
          Laparoscopic dissection and harvested lymph nodes is    gastrectomy for distal gastric cancer: five-year results of
                                                                  a randomized prospective trial. Ann Surg 2005 Feb;241(2):
          equivalent to OG with no other significant differences except
          for decreased blood loss and increased operative time. Thus,  15. Kim YW, Baik YH, Yun YH, Nam BH, Kim DH, Choi IJ,
          this procedure can achieve the same result as OG. However,  Bae JM. Improved quality of life outcomes after laparoscopy-
          large-scale RCTs with a longer follow-up period should be  assisted distal gastrectomy for early gastric cancer: results of a
                                                                  prospective randomized clinical trial. Ann Surg 2008 Nov;
          carried out in future studies to prove that LAG with D2
          dissection is a good alternative to OG in selected patients.
                                                              16. Du J, Zheng J, Li Y, Li J, Ji G, Dong G, Yang Z, Wang W, Gao
                                                                  Z. Laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy with extended lymph
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