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                   Comparison between Robotic Radical Hysterectomy with Laparoscopic and Open Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy
          emerged in the context of minimally invasive surgery     Salicrú and Gil-Moreno et al found the operative time
          to overcome shortcomings of conventional laparoscopy.  for laparoscopic radical hysterectomy longer than open
          Robotic system provides three-dimensional (3D) view,  abdominal radical hysterectomy. 6
          more ergonomic surgeon position and articulated wrist-     Sert and Abeler describe 35 patients with early
          like instruments, increasing surgical precision, and dex-  cervical cancer who underwent robot assisted radical
          terity. Robotic also decrease the fatique that the doctors  hyste rectomy,  laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and
          experience during surgeries that can last several hours.  26 abdo minal radical hysterectomy, showing mean
          Exhausted surgeon can experience hand tremors as a  operating times 263 minutes for robot-assisted radical
          result. The da Vinci has been programmed to compensate  hysterectomy,  364 minutes for laparoscopic radical hyste-
          for tremors, so if the surgeons hands shakes, the computer  rectomy and 163 minutes for open abdominal radical
          ignores it and keep the mechanical arm steady.      hysterectomy. 7
             The robotic application grew rapidly in gynecolo-      Kruijdenberg and van den Eiden et al among 342 cases
          gical oncology field, especially for technically challenging   of robotic assisted radical hystetrectomy and 914 cases of
          procedures by laparoscopy, such as radical hysterectomy.  total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, found that there
             The use of a robotic system in preset laboratory drills   was no statistical difference of mean operative time bet-
          has  been associated  with faster performance  times,    ween the robotic and laparoscopic radical hysterectomy. 8
          increased accuracy, enhanced dexterity, faster suturing,      A similar operative time was reported by Tinelli et al
          and reduced number of errors when compared to con-  323 minutes for robotic assisted radical hysterectomy
          ventional laparoscopic procedure.                   and 255 minutes for laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
             Complex operations, such as radical hysterectomy, can   (p < 0.005). 9
          be addressed in a more efficient fashion and the skills to      Retrospective study by Lee and Kang et al also found
          perform this procedure are acquired not only in a shorter   no statistically significant difference existed between the
          time but by a larger number of laparotomy surgeons who   laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and radical abdo minal
          encountered difficulties with conventional laparoscopy. 4,5  hysterectomy with respect to operative time. 10

                                                                 From a multi-institutional experience Lowe and
                                                              Chamberlain et al found median operative time for
          In the present paper, we sought to review the available des-   robotic-assisted radical hysterectomy 215 minutes. 11
          criptive evidences and to compare intraoperative, patho-     From prospective studies of 7 patient who underwent
          logic finding, and postoperative, oncological outcomes of   robot-assisted radical hysterectomy and 7 patients who
          robot-assisted, laparoscopic and open abdominal radical   underwent traditional radical hysterectomy, Lowe and
          hysterectomy, in the treatment of early cervical cancer.   Hoekstra et al found the diference of operative time

                                                              statitically not significant, 260 minutes in robot-assisted
          MATERiALS And METHOdS
                                                              radical hysterectomy and 264 minutes in traditional radi-
          We searched the articles about robotic-assisted radical  cal hysterectomy. 12
          hysterectomy, laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and       Estape et al compared 32 patiens who underwent
          abdominal radical hysterectomy of early cervical cancer   robotic radical hysterectomy with 17 patients laparoscopic
          by google search engine and pubMed. We tried to elabo-  radical hysterectomy and 14 patients abdominal radical
          rate the most recent publications.                  hysterectomy. Operative time for the robotic group was

                                                              2.4 h ± 0.8 and not significantly different from the laparos-
          REviEw ARTiCLES
                                                              copic group at 2.2 ± 0.7 hours nor the laparotomy group
          Mean Operating Time                                 (1.9 ± 0.6 hours p = 0.05). 13
          Longer operative time and learning curve are among      Nezhat et al in their prospective analyzed cases of
          the reasons why the minimally invasive staging has not   robotic radical hysterectomy and laparoscopic radical
          yet been adopted worldwide in gynecological oncology   hysterectomy found no statistical difference were
          practice. For robotic system, total operative time consists   observed regarding operative time, (323 vs 318 minutes. 14
          of docking time and console time. The first is the time      Table 1 summarizes the means operating time of
          needed to assemble instruments and attach patient to   robotic, laparoscopic and open radical hysterectomy.
          the robot, advancing the column to the operating table,   Blood Loss and Blood Transfusion
          fastening the robotic arms to the inserted trocars, and
          introducing the laparoscope. Console time is defined as  There is general agreement about the significant decrease
          the surgical time needed to perform the entire operation  of intraoperative bleeding in minimally invasive sur-
          at the console.                                     gery. This benefit is confirmed also for robotic-assisted
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):26-31                              27
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