Page 2 - Laparoscopic Journal - WJOLS
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          It is a recognized fact in surgical practice that randomized trials tend to be tougher to perform,
          thus many of the clinical research published in surgical treatment is carrying low level evidence.
          Practicing laparoscopic surgery as a minimal access surgeon seek evidence-based approaches to
          improve surgical outcomes of patient, but much of the current personalization of care remains
          largely empirical. Although substantial progress has been made in the field of laparoscopic
          and da Vinci Robotic Surgery, both anticipated and unanticipated barriers exist in integrating
          sequencing technologies into the care of patients who need minimal access surgery. Within the
          last decade there has been increasing enthusiasm for using evidence-based data to more precisely
          diagnose, predict outcomes, and prescribe ‘targeted’ therapies for surgical patients.
             One of the important aims of the World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery is to introduce individuals and
          the surgical community on the concepts of evidence-based surgery, to improve surgeon’s interest in using an
          evidence-based approach in clinical practice and to reinforce the requirement for surgeons to get involved in surgical
          research. The top quality clinical research in surgery as well as the uptake of research that is certainly published are
          hampered because many surgeons have not developed the instruments or perhaps the methodology to critically
          appraise evidence.
             In the coming issue of WJOLS, we will facilitate a platform which will help to transfer of these skills on the
          surgical community. In these series, articles will be focused around a surgical clinical scenario in the field of general
          surgery gynecology and urology with the appropriate methodology reviewed and discussed as it applies to using
          research in minimal access surgical practice. We are also going to make it online available as a series so, the surgeons
          and gynecologists have easy access of these evidence-based articles.
             Once again I wish all the best to readers of WJOLS of this issue and seeking their valuable feedback.

                                                                                                     RK Mishra

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