Page 34 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery - WALS Journal
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Hana Alhomoud
10,060 and 10,067, respectively were analyzed. The group. This concludes that a single preoperative dose
CRASH-2 RCT established the safety and efficacy of (10 mg/kg) of TXA given intravenously immediately
TXA administration for trauma patients. It showed a before surgery reduced blood loss during laparoscopic
significant reduction in mortality without any significant sleeve gastrectomy. No thromboembolic incidents,
increase in thromboembolic events. Tranexamic acid is adverse reactions, or complications were encountered
thus both safe and effective in reducing the risk of death with the administration of TXA in this study.
due to blood loss in trauma cases. 13
Though the safety and the efficacy of the drug have SUMMARY
been established, there is no consensus about the dosage The aim of this study was to see if TXA given as a short-
and the best time for administration of this drug. The term dose reduced blood loss in laparoscopic sleeve
prescribed dosage is 1–1.5 gm or 15–25 mg/kg two to gastrectomy.
four times daily. The dosage of TXA advocated ranges Tranexamic acid reduces capillary oozing, thus
from 1 gm to 100 mg/kg transfused over 15 minutes increasing the operative field visibility. It does not
with a second infusion of 10 mg/kg/hour transfused alter the coagulation profile and no lasting systemic or
until wound closure is achieved. 15 hemodynamic effects were seen in our study.
The dose administered in the CRASH RCT was Tranexamic acid may well be an efficient and cheap
2 gm with 1 gm as bolus and 1 gm as continuous infusion method to control bleeding during laparoscopic sleeve
over the next 8 hours. 12,13 In general surgical conditions gastrectomy.
and in trauma where life-threatening hemorrhages
are anticipated, a continuous infusion is advocated. REFERENCES
However, since laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is of
much shorter time duration, we have employed a single 1. Sinder-Pedersen S, Ramstrom G, Bernvil S, Blomback M.
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groups. One group did not receive TXA. The other five going oral surgery: An alternative method to discontinuing
anticoagulant therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1993
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to maintain a therapeutically effective concentration 6. Sindert-Pedersen S, Sternbjerg S. Effect of local antifibrinolytic
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Our results have shown that none of the TXA patients 10. Athanasiadis T, Beule AG, Wormad PJ. Effects of topical anti-
needed a transfusion and the average fall in hemoglobin fibrinolytics in endoscopic sinus surgery: a pilot randomized
and the volume of blood lost is much less in the TXA controlled trial. Am J Rhinol 2007 Nov-Dec;21(6):737-742.