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          Abhilash Jayachandran                                                 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1267

          Stump Cholecystitis

          Abhilash Jayachandran

          ABSTRACT                                            pressure have all served as causes of postcholecystectomy
          Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is most commonly performed   problems . The entire sphincteric system of the distal bile
          minimal access surgery by general surgeons. But still, some post-  duct and the pancreatic duct is commonly referred to as
          operative patients are not getting relieved from their symptoms.  the sphincter of Oddi.
          Most retrospective studies show that presence of stone is mostly
          in the cystic duct or in the common bile duct and some also show   Follow-up
          the presence of cystic stump (1–1.5 cm). Most of the patients
          with complaints were thoroughly evaluated and subjected to  Maximum patients followed-up while some have not even
          completion cholecystectomy. These patients were followed-up   turned back. But followed-up patients were doing well.
          from 6 months to 1 year and all patients were asymptomatic.
          Keywords:  Common  bile  duct  stone,  Gallbladder  stone  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          disease, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Remnant gallbladder,
          Stump cholecystitis.                                Data were collected retrospectively from 1991 to 2014
                                                              regarding postcholecystectomy syndrome in patients and
          How to cite this article: Jayachandran A. Stump Cholecystitis.
          World J Lap Surg 2016;9(1):34-37.                   after completion cholecystectomy they were relieved of
                                                              symptoms. Out of these patients some were referred with
          Source of support:  Journal of Minimal Access Surgery,
          PUBMED, HINDAWI, Asian Journal of Endoscopic surgeon,   common bile duct (CBD) calculus with gallbladder stump
          Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary HPB) Surgery Cystic.      and some with cystic duct calculi as per their ultrasound
                                                              reports (Table 1). There were also patients who suffered
          Conflict of interest: Remanant stones in CBD may lead to
          stump cholecystitis                                 due to stump cholecystitis because of inadequate removal
                                                              of gallbladder. Revision cholecystectomy was performed
          INTRODUCTION                                        in all patients with symptoms even after cholecystectomy.
                                                              In laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the optical port was
          Erich Muhe performed the first laparoscopic chole-  introduced in the umbilical area, whereas in postoperative
          cystectomy in 1982; he  used a modified operating  history first port was introduced through the palmer’s
          laparoscope and placed it at the umbilicus after establishing  point to rule out adhesions. Nowadays, the port placement
          pneumoperitoneum. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy  is on the basis of baseball diamond technique.
          becomes the gold standard treatment for cholelithiasis
          in that era. In 1987, Philippe Mouret performed first  Port Positioning
          video laparoscopic cholecystectomy by attaching a   •  Camera port of size 10 mm was introduced in the
          camera to his laparoscope. Various causes are described   umbilicus (Fig. 1).
          for the postoperative symptoms and together they are   •  A 5 mm port was inserted below the costal margin in
          kept under one group known as postcholecystectomy      midclavicular line.
          syndrome. The remnants of the cystic duct or gallbladder   •  Liver refractor of 5 mm was placed in mid to the
          in subtotal cholecystectomy has historically been      anterior axillary line at the level of the umbilicus.
          implicated as the source of pain, nausea and vomiting in
          postcholecystectomy patients. An increase in choledochal   RESULTS
          pressure results in cystic stump distension, inflammation.
          Stone obstruction within remnants of the cystic duct or   Among  these  patients,  some  patients  had  a  direct
          gallbladder and an increase in the sphincter of Oddi   radiological finding of calculi in the common bile
                                                              duct and some were having both calculi in CBD and
                                                              stump cholecystitis. All patients were not benefited
            Assistant Professor                               with endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram, as the size
            Department of General Surgery, Vinayaka Mission Medical   of the calculi were large and proceeded with surgery.
            College, Karaikal, Puducherry, India              In some patients along with laparoscopic completion
            Corresponding Author: Abhilash Jayachandran, Assistant   cholecystectomy, CBD exploration was also done. Those
            Professor,  Department of General Surgery, Vinayaka   patients who underwent CBD exploration, intraoperative
            Mission Medical College, Karaikal, Puducherry, India, Phone:   choledochoscopy was also performed and CBD closure
            +919489838717, e-mail:
                                                              was done after placing a stent.
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